Wind Lake Improvement Plan Dredging Project Wind Lake, Wisconsin
Dredging has been used historically to improve navigation, however, it usefulness as a water quality improvement tool has not been widely proclaimed. Although costly to undertake, dredging...

Optimization of the Design and Operation of Soil Vapor Extraction Systems
Volatile organic compounds (VOC's) immobilized within the soil unsaturated zone constitute a significant source of groundwater contamination. Soil vapor extraction systems (SVES's), which...

Evaluating Sensitivity of Hydraulic Control Optimization Models
Sensitivity of hydraulic control optimization models to variation in gradient constraints is examined. Monte Carlo simulation is used in conjunction with repeated optimization runs to...

Mitigation of Non-Point Source Pollution Impacts on Groundwater Aquifers: A Case Study
This paper presents methodologies applied to a regional-scale project to study the potential impacts of storm runoff on groundwater aquifers that store sole source water supplies in Morris...

Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks: Do Pluralized Techniques Hold Any Advantages for Designing Groundwater Quality Assurance Systems?
Methods have recently been developed for designing groundwater monitoring and pollutant containment systems. These methods rely on a variety of new and classical optimization and modeling...

Building Groundwater Optimizers That Respond to the Needs of Decision-Makers
Optimization methods are being sought and employed to design systems that remediate contaminated groundwater regions (and, in fact, the subsurface in general) with increasing frequency....

A Physically Based Conceptual Model for Simulating Contaminant Levels in Subsurface Water
A conceptual physical model is developed to simulate solute transport and mixing in the vadose (unsaturated) and groundwater zones. The conceptual model couples lumped-parameters models...

Vadose-Zone Monitoring, Sanitary Treatment Plant Sludge-Drying Beds, Rocky Flats Plant, Golden, Colorado
The NPDES Federal Facilities Compliance Agreement (NPDES FFCA) of March 25, 1991 between the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant...

Joint Pond-Wetland System Performance in Colorado
The Shop Creek retention pond and follow-up wetlands were constructed in 1989, by the City of Aurora, Colorado, and the Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority to enhance urban storm...

Designing Under Uncertainty When We Can Reduce Uncertainty: When is Another Observation Worth the Cost?
A method is presented that optimizes the selection of sites for observation of an uncertain parameter when that parameter is used in the risk-based design of an engineered system. The...

Storm Water Pollution Control for Industry: Developing Effective Guidelines Through Public Involvement
A regionwide storm water pollution control program in the Santa Clara Valley, California, includes an active industrial source control component that is designed and implemented as a public...

Joint Optimization of Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring
We describe the challenge of devising optimization methods which optimize jointly the remediation and monitoring at a contaminated site. We refer to the dual control method as a promising...

Water Polishing by Constructed Wetland Ecosystems
This paper gives results of a five-year study of minerals and nutrients reduction in a large constructed wetland facility in Central Florida, on the periphery of Orlando. The 120 ha system...

Plate and Frame Membrane Air Stripping
This paper examines utilization of a plate and frame membrane air stripping system for the removal of volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and radon from a water supply. Previous work explored...

Wet Detention Facility Pollutant Removal Modeling
This paper documents development of the WETPOND model, which simulates long-term pollutant removal by a wet detention facility. Pollutant removal is determined with an EPA procedure that...

Different Methods to Compute Pollutant Dispersion Around Buildings
Different methods to approximate the advection terms currently in use are reviewed. Holly-Preismann (HP) cubic interpolation using method of characteristics, Chapeau function (CF) method...

How Many Observation Wells Does it Take to Find a Groundwater Contamination Plume?
A Bayesian data worth framework is developed to balance the benefits and costs of data collection. In addition to Bayesian decision analysis, tools from Monte Carlo simulation, numerical...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Use of Expert Systems in Selecting Equilibrium Isotherms of Organic Compound Adsorption on Activated Carbon
An outline of an Expert System (ES) that aids in selecting adsorption isotherms is presented. Such an ES provides an efficient technique for screening the present literature. The ES helps...

Utilizing Mathcad for Hydraulic Design of Stormwater Pump Stations
This paper describes how the software Mathcad was used for hydraulic design of three pump stations (i.e. select pumps and size forcemains). The pump stations are part of a complete stormwater...





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