Judicial Review of Coastal Regulation
The paper discusses the impact of recent public access cases on the regulatory taking issue and on the long-term prognosis for public access and private rights along the California coast....

Magnitude and Frequency Analysis in Large Rivers
A study of the magnitude and frequency of sediment transport was conducted on the Mississippi River at Natchez, MS, Red River at Alexandria, LA, and Pearl River at Bogalusa, LA. The individual...

Design Rainfall for Pennsylvania
The most commonly used source of rainfall estimates is the U. S. Weather Bureau Technical Paper 40. A more detailed study of Pennsylvania storms was conducted in 1970 under the sponsorship...

Model Choice and Scale in Urban Drainage Design
This paper addresses the question of model choice and scale by comparing various model applications to a 95-acre gaged catchment, known as the Lake Hills watershed, in Bellevue, Washington....

On the Choice Between Annual Flood Series and Peaks Over Threshold Series in Flood Frequency Analysis
Statistical techniques are often used to estimate extreme flood events for the design of a flood-control structure or for any other flood-related purpose. Two kinds of models are commonly...

A Versatile Methodology for Flood Frequency Analysis
Many observed annual flood series exhibit reverse curvatures when plotted on lognormal probability paper. The occurrence of these curvatures may be attributed to storm and basin factors....

Confidence Intervals for Flood Control Design
The line drawn and labeled as the flood frequency curve is seldom identified as to what confidence is associated to the plot. For example while flood control designs are typically based...

The GEV Distribution in Drought Frequency Analysis
Three decades have passed since A. F. Jenkinson found the general solution to the Stability Postulate, which is the condition that all the extremes must meet, and after him that solution...

An Analysis and Comparison of Probable Maximum Floods with 10,000-year Frequency Floods and Maximum Observed Floods for Spillway Design
The use of deterministic probable maximum floods are supported in part by the conclusions of an Interagency Work Group formed to address the following questions: (1) Is it within the state...

Recent Developments of the Finite Strip Method
The finite strip method is approaching a state of maturity as a structural analysis technique, as the well known finite element method has done. Two comprehensive (although somewhat dated)...

Engineering Hydrology
The Surface Water Hydrology Committee, ASCE Hydraulics Division, sponsored this first Symposium on Engineering Hydrology. The Symposium was held jointly with the ASCE National Conference...

Advance Prediction of Flow-Induced Variations
Frequency analysis of hydraulic vibrations has been applied using a transfer matrix and impedance method. The computer program is given for the self-excited and forced vibrations, together...

Landslide Dams in Japan
Damming of rivers by landslides is common in Japan because widespread unstable slopes and narrow valleys exist in conjunction with frequent hydrologic, volcanic, and seismic landslide...

Frequency Domain Analysis of a Tank-Soil System
The dynamic response of an elastic cylindrical tank supported on a rigid base under a harmonic vertical excitation is analyzed taking into consideration its interaction with the foundation...

Adaptation of Modal Testing Procedure to Shaker Tables
This article presents a technique for adapting current modal testing procedures to shaker table tests commonly used for qualification tests of nuclear and space related equipment. It involves...

Stochastic Response of Structures with Appendages Containing Fluids
Following a perturbation technique a procedure is developed to compute the modal properties of a system consisting of a fluid containing appendage attached to a multi-degree-of-freedom...

Engineering Methodology for Delineating Debris Flow Hazards in Los Angeles County
Utilizing historical and field data, elementary geomorphology and simplified hydraulics of debris flows, a mapping strategy has been developed. The delineation procedure includes defining...

Debris Flows and Hyperconcentrated Streamflows
Examination of recent debris-flow and hyperconcentrated-streamflow events in the western United States reveals (1) the topographic, geologic, hydrologic, and vegetative conditions that...

Analysis of Alluvial Fan Flooding
Alluvial fans are estimated to cover approximately one third of the land area in the southwestern United States. Because of their relatively gentle slopes and well draining characteristics,...

Storm Dynamics in the Lake Ontario Region
A program package, RAINPAK, was written to develop appropriate rainfall input, based on concepts of the physical processes behind the temporal and spatial distribution of storm rainfall...





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