The Integrated Traffic Data System
Integrated Traffic Data System (ITDS) is a microcomputer-based system designed to allow traffic engineers to store, maintain and update traffic network information in a centralized data...

Traffic Simulation at Unsignalized Intersections Using GPSS
This paper develops a simulation model, based on actual field data, that simulates the minor street left turn movement at a STOP-controlled T-intersection. This simulation model predicts...

Current Status and Future of the Highway Capacity Software
This paper discusses the current status of the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) and comments on its future, including its relations with other capacity software. Subjects covered include...

Collection and Analysis of Speed and Delay Using Portable Microcomputers
Speed and delay studies are performed routinely on urban street networks. The data are used for a variety of transportation engineering purposes including signal timing design, roadway...

Data Collection Using a Portable Computer and Digitizing Tablet
This paper describes a data collection system developed by the New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center. The key features of this data collection method are its ease of use, single step...

Traffic Simulation and its Graphic Presentations
A computer simulation program for traffic signal timing design was developed. The program can provide some appealing graphic presentations not only of input data but also of output results....

U.S. Geological Survey DLG-3 and Bureau of the Census TIGER Data: Development and GIS Applications
The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively developing digital cartographic and geographic data and standards since the early 1970's. One product is Digital Line Graph data, which offer...

Census Data Available for Transportation Planners
In 1981 the U.S. Bureau of the Census set a goal to automate the full range of cartographic and geographic processes in time to serve the data collection, tabulation, and dissemination...

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

Arterial Traffic Flow in Construction Zones
Previously, NETSIM (NETwork SIMulation model) was the only available simulation model that could investigate a wide mix of traffic control and traffic management strategies for a network...

Processing Automatically Collected Patronage Data
Since the late 1970's, the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has had the capability to automatically collect trip origin and destination data from its faregates. This...

Combining the Census Tiger Files and Geographic Information System Technology for More Effective Transportation Planning
The Bureau of the Census, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, has created a topological data base containing every street and block face in the United States for use in the...

Advances in Trip Matrix Estimation
The derivation of Origin-Destination (O-D) trip matrices is a vital component of much transportation planning. Obtaining accurate O-D data often poses a challenge on account of the large...

Computer Analysis of Origin-Destination Survey Data in the State Route 55 Travel Corridor, Before and After the Opening of Carpool Lanes
The State Route (SR) 55 carpool lanes in Orange County were opened for high occupancy vehicles (HOV) usage in November, 1985. Since SR 55 was the first travel corridor in Orange County...

Traffic Congestion Data Collection and Analysis System
The system was developed to allow traffic engineers to analyze the magnitude, duration and location of traffic congestion on highways and city streets. It is used to prioritize traffic...

Maximizing Your Use of Interactive Graphics in Transportation Simulation Modeling
The paper discusses the capabilities, through the aid of computer graphics,now that exist to take analysis and reporting of traffic simulation model studies several steps further than...

Dynamic Assignment Modelling with Trips
This paper describes additional ways in which TRIPS models time-varying, or 'dynamic' effects. These include area-wide effects as vehicles move through the network,...

Using GIS Techniques for Transportation Planning to Automate Compilation of Land Use Information
This paper describes a procedure used to compile land use or socioeconomic data for traffic analysis zones for input into a transportation planning model. The procedure uses a combination...

A Survey of Three-Dimensional Numerical Estuarine Models
This paper surveys the existing 3-D estuarine hydrodynamic and solute transport models by a review of the commonly used assumptions and approximations, and by an examination of the methods...

Summary Report: Evaluation Criteria for Watershed Models
After an extensive literature review, the Task Committee recommends that, in addition to graphical plots, modelers use three simple goodness-of-fit criteria for evaluating continuous hydrograph...





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