Flash-Flood Forecasting by Using the HEC1F Model
The application of a lumped conceptual model, the well known HEC1F, for flash-flood forecasting and warning to the Venetikos river basin in Northwestern Greece, is presented. The combination...

The Use of a Flood Damage Rating System to Aid Urban Stormwater Management
Increasing urbanisation and the subsequent decrease in natural storage and infiltration potential in a catchment, cause increased runoff peaks and volumes. Existing stormwater drainage...

Distribution of Flood Volumes Beyond Design Discharges
Quantitative prediction of flood volumes beyond design discharges is important for hydrologic design of river constructions, such as bridges and culverts, because these are the volumes...

Convective Model Applications: Mountainous Terrain
Evaluation of precipitation in mountainous terrain has posed a vexing problem to many water-resources investigations due to the sparse and spotty network of reporting stations and gages....

Hydrologic Runoff Models for the Arid Southwest United States
Recently, hydrologic study criteria manuals (or hydrology manuals) were prepared for the arid southwest regions of Clark County (Las Vegas vicinity, Nevada), Maricopa County (Phoenix vicinity,...

Flood Elevation Limits in the Rocky Mountains
An analysis of 77,987 station-years of streamflow-gaging station data from 3,748 stations in the Rocky Mountains indicates that there is a latitude-dependent elevation limit to substantial...

Flood Damage Mitigation Efforts in a Small Mountainous Community in Jamaica
About 60 percent of the mountainous Caribbean island of Jamaica is underlain by karstic limestone. 'Sinkholes' in this limestone form the natural outlets to many surface waters. During...

Hydrologic Modelling of Extreme Flood on Small Mountainous Watersheds
Statistical and deterministic methods for extreme flood estimation were applied to Swiss alpine catchments to assess the application limits of each approach. Comparative results produced...

Friction Factors in Coastal Flooding
As the world's coastal zones are being developed and the coastal population increases, coastal flooding, or rather the prediction of its extent and frequency of occurrence, becomes a more...

A Potential Problem with Mean Dimensionless Hydrographs at Ungaged Sites
A flood hydrograph for an ungaged stream site can be estimated from a mean dimensionless hydrograph and estimates of instantaneous peak discharge (Q) and total storm runoff volume (V)....

Two-Dimensional Flood Hazard Simulation on Alluvial Fans
The incentive for flood hazard delineation on alluvial fans is development. Drainage plans and flood mitigation design require prediction of flow hydraulics for a range of hyperconcentrated...

Alluvial Fan: Subset Definitions
The Flood Control District of Maricopa County, Arizona recently completed a study whose goal was to identify and describe four alluvial fans for instrumentation and long-term monitoring....

Flood Assessment at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site in Southern Nevada
Flood hazard analysis on alluvial fans using Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) methodology is not limited to the FEMA Alluvial Fan Methodology (AFM). Other FEMA-accepted methods...

Variance Estimation of Extreme Flows
The inclusion of historic flood data with gage record data has been shown to reduce the uncertainty in flow estimates. Using numerical integration to quantify that uncertainty is less...

Peaks Over Threshold Model for Seasonal Flood Variations
The peaks over threshold (POT) series model has been used in hydrology to analyse extreme phenomena such as floods or precipitation amounts exceeding a certain threshold level. The results...

Robust Estimators in Hydrologic Frequency Analysis
This paper applies a specific robust estimation procedure known as 'trimming' in flood frequency analysis. The trimming technique consists in censoring the series of recorded floods by...

PMF Estimation for a Sparsely Gaged Watershed
This paper describes a procedure used to determine the design-basis and probable maximum flood (DBF and PMF) for Jiguey Dam located in the Dominican Republic. This dam is situated upstream...

Monongahela River Mapping & Flood Hazard Study
The study described here represents a unique collaboration and cost-sharing effort between two Federal agencies: the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Federal Emergency Management...

Incorporating GIS Technology in Standard Flood Hydrology Applications
The potential for application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to hydrologic analyses has received increasing attention in recent years. Published literature on hydrologic applications...

The Method of Derived Distributions Applied to Peak Flows
Random variables which are functionally related have their probability distributions also related in a prescribed manner. Thus, in theory, the probability distribution of peak discharge...





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