Salinity Problems Associated with Reuse Water Irrigation on Southwestern Golf Courses
One of the most severe of the potential reuse water quality problems is salinity. While many water supplies in the southwest have relatively high total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations,...

Impact of Proposed Radon Drinking Water Regulations on Groundwater Systems in California
This summer, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose a maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 300 pCi/l for radon in drinking water. This anticipated MCL, if adopted, will...

Anoxic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Treatment
An activated sludge system was operated at a relatively low SRT of 1-2 days at the City of Phoenix to meet secondary treatment requirements. Operating MLSS concentrations were 400-600...

Hazardous Waste Reduction?An International Perspective
Waste reduction has long been recognized as the preferred option for the management of hazardous wastes. As early as 1976, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted...

Practical Use of Plants for Water Purification
Problems with contaminated wastewater in USA, Eastern Europe, and developing countries are outlined. Botanical sewage purification for purifying human, animal, and industrial sewage is...

Constructed Wetlands at Mesquite, Nevada
Subsurface flow (SF) wetlands are used to provide effluent polishing following treatment in an aerated lagoon at Mesquite, Nevada. General SF wetland design methodology is discussed in...

Inventory of Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment in the U.S.
The U.S. EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory is conducting an inventory of constructed wetlands (CW) for municipal wastewater treatment in the U.S. The inventory is...

Design Considerations for Control of Volatile Organic Compounds at Wastewater Treatment Facilities
New federal and state regulations require publicly owned treatment works (POTW's) to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC's) as potentially significant...

Continuing Effort to Eliminate Odors at Orange County's Wastewater Treatment Plants
The County Sanitation Districts of Orange County (CSDOC), California own and operate two wastewater treatment plants. Reclamation Plant No. 1, in Fountain Valley, treats approximately...

Modeling Analysis of CSO Impacts in a Tidal Basin
Short duration intensive inflows of combined sewer overflows (CSO) to marine tidal basins create stratified water quality for limited periods of time. Accurate assessment of water quality...

Epidemiology and Toxicology in Engineering Education
The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET) first articulated an interest in providing undergraduate engineers with background in occupational health and safety...

Redevelopment of Remediated Superfund Sites: Problems with Current Approaches in Providing Long-Term Public Health Protection
The normal primary objective of Superfund site remediation is the control of hazardous chemicals so that they do not represent a significant threat to public health and the environment...

Performance Analysis of Remedial Alternatives
This paper demonstrates how remedial action alternatives for a Superfund site can be evaluated using a health-risk basis. The case history for this demonstration is a Feasibility Study...

The Ozone Layer: A Critical Analysis of the Management of Public Policy for Fluorocarbons
As environmental public policy becomes increasingly extensive it continues to have greater impact on the lives of each American. The management of the public policy formation process varies...

In Situ Remediation of Hazardous Wastes
Numerous releases of hazardous substances have occurred at uncontrolled sites all around the United States. These sites pose toxic threats to public health and our environment, and potential...

Noise Control Program for the Boston Harbor Project
A noise control engineering program has been instituted for the Boston Harbor project to make the facility virtually inaudible at the property line. The program integrates the noise mitigation...

A New Graphic Technique for Reporting Soil Quality Analyses
Boston's Artery/Harbor Tunnel Project is currently the United States' largest highway construction project. One of its major issues is the disposal of an estimated...

Tracer Study for C*t Compliance Evaluation
A tracer study was performed with a fluorescent dye, Rhodamine WT, to determine the actual disinfectant contact time for the 36-mgd Courtney Bend Water Treatment Plant near Independence,...

Trihalomethane Control: A Case Study
Controlling trihalomethanes (THMs) has been an important part of many utilities' water treatment programs since THMs were first regulated in 1979. The increased disinfection...

A Case Study in Sludge Handling
When the Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority (WVSA) converted its operation to a secondary treatment plant in 1988, something important was missing. That something was a method to handle...





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