Tools for LWR Spent Fuel Characterization: Assembly Classes and Fuel Designs
Tools for the classification of fuel assembly types have been developed during the development of the Characteristics Data Base. The assembly class scheme is based upon the design of the...

Dissolution of Spent Fuel Under the Conditions of Wet Storage and Disposal
The release of cobalt and cesium from PWR spent fuel rods with three types of artificial defects made on their clads in demineralized water and also the dissolution of uranium from unirradiated...

Major and Trace Elements Regulation in Natural Granitic Waters. Application to Deep Radioactive Waste Disposals
In order to forecast the evolution of deep groundwaters in the environment of a radioactive waste disposal, one must be able to understand the behaviour of major and trace elements in...

Radiocolloid Transport in Saturated and Unsaturated Fractures
Studies have shown that radionuclides and toxic materials can attach to colloidal particles in groundwater or are themselves colloids. Since these contaminated particles can migrate several...

Fractal Characteristics of Fracture Roughness and Aperture Data
In this study mathematical expressions are developed for the characteristics of apertures between rough surfaces. It shown that the correlation between the opposite surfaces influences...

Conceptual Design Study of Geological Disposal System of High-Level Waste
Conceptual design study of geological disposal system for HLW was carried out taking into account geological environment in Japan, in order to provide disposal concepts for integrated...

Mineralogic Alteration History and Paleohydrology at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The importance of paleohydrology to the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project derives from the role water will play in radioactive-waste repository performance. Changes in hydrologic...

Lubrication Theory Analysis of the Permeability of Rough-Walled Fractures
Lubrication theory is used to study the permeability of rough-walled rock fractures. Two idealized models of a fracture, in which the roughness follows a sinusoidal or a sawtooth variation,...

Modelling of Hydro-Thermo-Mechanical Effects in a Fracture Intersecting a Nuclear Waste Deposition Hole
The groundwater flow in a vertical fracture intersecting a hypothetical nuclear waste deposition hole was examined. After excavation and emplacement of the nuclear waste canister, the...

Microwave Measurements of the Water Content of Bentonite
The theory of operation of microwave coaxial resonators is described. Sample preparation and the application of resonator techniques to the measurement of the permittivity (dielectric...

Early Deployment of the MRS?The Modular Vault Dry Store
The Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1987 (NWPAA) authorized the Department of Energy to site, construct, and operate Monitored Retrievable Storage. The Modular Vault Dry Store is...

Mechanistic Interpretation of Glass Reaction: Input to Kinetic Model Development
Actinide-doped SRL 165 type glass was reacted in J-13 groundwater at 90?C for times up to 278 days. The reaction was characterized by both solution and solid analyses. The glass was seen...

Geophysical Borehole Logging in the Unsaturated Zone, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Borehole geophysical logging for site characterization in the volcanic rocks at the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, requires data collection under rather unusual...

Analysis of Solute Transport in an Intermediate-Scale Unsaturated Flow Experiment
A simplified stochastic model was derived and applied to two unsaturated flow experiments conducted in an intermediate-scale caisson. Parameters for the flow and transport models were...

Key Scientific Issues for Near-Field Performance Assessment
This paper reviews key scientific issues related to the performance assessment of engineered barrier systems. In contrast to the inherent uncertainties associated with inhomogeneous geologic...

Process and Criteria for Valuation of the Ground-Water Flow Models in the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project
In 1986, the Site Characterization and Validation (SCV) Program was initiated as part of Phase III of the OECD/NEA International Stripa Project. The principal intent of the SCV Program...

Demonstration of a Repository Performance Assessment Capability at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
In order to better review licensing submittals for a High-Level Waste Repository, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has expanded and improved its capability to conduct performance...

Variation of Permeability with Temperature in Fractured Topopah Spring Tuff Samples
Fractures will play an important role in the near-field hydrology of a nuclear-waste package in a mined repository. Our previous studies showed that the water permeability of fractured...

An Alternative Method to Mariotte Reservoir System for Maintaining Constant Hydraulic Pressure
Several problems with the Mariotte reservoir system were discovered when it was used to apply a constant water pressure as a boundary condition for a prolonged period. The constant-pressure...

Pore-Water Extraction from Unsaturated Tuffs Using One-Dimensional Compression
To support the study of the unsaturated-zone hydrochemistry at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, a one-dimensional compression system was developed and tested to extract unaltered and uncontaminated...





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