Management of Historic and Non-Historic Submerged Shipwreck Resources in California
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages states to establish management programs for historic and non-historic shipwrecks. Conceptually, a management program will consist of a regulatory...

The 301(h) Waiver & the Clean Water Act in Southern California
Throughout the late 1970's and 1980's Los Angeles City and county governments fought the Clean Water Act from being implemented. An amendment to the Clean Water...

Demonstration of Pesticide Best Management Practices for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Monterey Bay Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a grant to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments for the purpose of conducting a two year demonstration project addressing...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

An Evaluation of the Role of Port Administration in Comprehensive Planning and Management of the Canadian Coast?The Example of Vancouver
The current institutional approach adopted to plan and regulate developments in Canada's major ports is assessed. To determine the effectiveness of the Canadian approach,...

A New Panama Canal?
Based upon the 1977 treaty between the United States and Panama and an exchange of diplomatic notes among Panama, Japan and United States, a trinational feasibility study is being conducted...

A Zoning Code Revision for Port Development?The Story of East Providence
The City of East Providence evaluated the effectiveness of the City's 30 year old zoning code and revised performance standards in the zoning text in light of possible marine...

Global Climate Change: USFWS Coastal Research
Scenarios of global climate change are still ambiguous; however, increasing sea level and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations seem certain,...

Global Climate Change Assessment in Washington State
Two global climate change assessment projects were initiated by Washington state in 1988: first a Sea Level Rise Response Program and then Washington Environment 2010. The Sea Level Rise...

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

Recreational Impacts on Coastal Habitats: Ventura County Fairgrounds, California
The doubling of California's population since 1960 has presented new challenges to the California Coastal Act's mandates to maximize public coastal access and...

California Marine Debris Action Plan
Trash in the oceans and on California's beaches are killing marine wildlife and fouling our beaches. To address this problem in California, the Center for Marine Conservation...

The Petroleum Geology of the Oceanside Trough, Capistrano Basin, Offshore Southern California
The Caoistrano Basin represents one of the last essentially unexplored Neogene depocenters along the southern California coast. Within the greater Capistrano Basin, the Oceanside Trough...

NOAA's Coastal Ocean Database and FOCOS Program
The NOAA Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction (COAP) was recently formed in Monterey to support collection, distribution, and analysis of marine data for application to coastal ocean...

HF Radar Ocean Surface Mapping in Monterey Bay as a Prototype for California Coastal Environmental Monitoring and Governance
A network of coastal HF radars is being established to provide real-time coverage of ocean surface currents, onshore waves, and ultimately wind fields over Monterey Bay. Data products...

Public Access Evolution Long Beach, California, Coastline
Historic Long Beach was built around the beachfront. Public access to this popular coastal resort was provided in many ways. The downtown has undergone a renaissance of that former regional...

Numerical Simulation of Alabama's Weeks Bay Estuary
Weeks Bay system models describing water elevation, water circulation, salinity and BOD/DO concentrations are used to investigate two case study scenarios - a dredged ten foot deep boat...

A Portable Geographic Information System (GIS) for Coastal Mapping
The combined increases in portable computing power and storage with the availability of new software has enabled the development of a truly portable Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Resilience of Seacoast Bluestem Barrier Island Communities
Natural disturbance is an important force in population and community dynamics and barrier islands are paradigms of disturbance dominated ecosystems. They are formed, shaped, and moved...

Evidence for Eustatic Influence on Cenozoic Sedimentation of Coastal Washington and Oregon
Comparison of the absolute age boundaries of the West Coast biozonation with the Cenozoic global cycle chart indicates that 12 of the 15 zonal boundaries coincide with regressive sequence...





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