Local Scour at Bridge Piers in Alberta?Case History
A two span steel truss bridge with a rectangular concrete central pier was built over the Oldman River near Brocket in south-west Alberta in 1954. Initially the bridge was built square...

Reliability Analysis of Levee System of a River
The levee height is determined by the summation between computed water level and an assumed freeboard. The water level is computed by given discharge in the steady conditions. Therefore,...

Shifts in Solute Transport Direction Induced by Transient Flow
Traditionally, solute transport projections have focussed on the long-term, steady state conditions expected to prevail in a groundwater system. However, transient effects may often dominate...

Modeled Hydraulic and Salt Transport Patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Modeled hydraulic and salt transport patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been summarized as the basis for detailed environmental assessment of proposed water management projects...

A Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model of a Shallow Estuary: Verification
Many of the hydrodynamic models used for estuary tidal flows and storm surges are based on two two-dimensional hydrodynamic equations which are obtained form the full three-dimensional...

Structure of Coastal Upwelling on a Sloping Bottom
A large eddy simulation of coastal upwelling on a sloping bottom is carried out. The structure of the upwelling consists of a persistent primary front, a temporary secondary front which...

The Courant Number and Unsteady Flow Computation
The Courant number C, the key to unsteady flow computation, is a ratio of physical wave velocity, ?, to computational signal-transmission velocity, ?, i.e., C = ?/?. In this way, it uniquely...

Evaluation of Historical Scour at Selected Stream Crossings in Indiana
Geophysical data were collected by means of ground-penetrating radar and tuned transducer systems to estimate the historical scour at ten bridges in Indiana. These geophysical data were...

Bridge Scour Evaluations in Washington State
Eighteen existing bridges were investigated for Washington State DOT as part of the FHWA National Scour Evaluation Program. Investigations included review of file information, site inspection,...

Relation of Channel Stability to Scour at Highway Bridges Over Waterways in Maryland
Data from assessments of channel stability and observed-scour conditions at 876 highway bridges over Maryland waterways were entered into a database. Relations were found to exist among...

Shale Scour at BNRR Yellowstone River Bridge, MT
Both the Burlington Northern Railroad and Montana Department of Transportation bridges across the Yellowstone river just south of Laurel, Montana, are founded on spread footings placed...

Analysis of Local Scour at Bridge Piers
Many studies have been performed on the cause and effects of local scour at bridge piers, and various prediction equations have been generated based on these studies. The general approach...

Variability in Solutions of Constrained Optimization Problems: Ocean Outfall Design Case
Uncertainty in optimization model resulting from parameter uncertainty has not been well studied in the hydraulics and water resources areas. To make valid decisions, knowledge of the...

Optimizing Water Transfers in Urban Water Supply Planning
A number of water supply agencies in the Western United States have begun to integrate water transfers into their overall water supply planning, including the use of transferred water...

The Seattle Forecast Model: A Tool for Water Resources Management in the Seattle Area
The Seattle Forecast Model, SEAFM, developed by Hydrocomp Inc. for the Seattle Water Department, is an interactive, graphic system for streamflow forecasting and reservoir analysis of...

Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Coastal Region Offshore from Sydney, Australia
Care must be taken in model formulation to ensure that unwanted internal circulation cannot be induced. Extensive model testing must be carried out on possible distorted element shapes...

Galveston Bay 3-D Model Study Channel Deepening Circulation and Salinity Results
The effects of deepening the Houston Ship Channel through the Galveston Bay estuary are predicted using the 3-D finite element numerical model RMA10-WES. The primary concern is the effect...

Modeling the Tides of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays
A time-dependent, three-dimensional numerical modeling study of the tides of Massachusetts and Cape Code Bays, motivated by construction of a new sewage treatment plant and ocean outfall...

Storm Water Regulations?Aircraft Deicer/Anti-icers Operations
In 1991, FAA has initiated a storm water program to assist airport operators in complying the EPA Storm Water NPDES regulations. The first FAA project, a survey, addresses present operational...

GIS and SWMM Applications in Developing the Lake Houston Watershed Management Program
The City of Houston has undertaken the task of developing a Watershed Management Program for the 2,828 square mile lake Houston Watershed in an effort to prevent future degradation of...





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