Probing the Golden Gate
The Golden Gate Bridge has just come through the most detailed analysis ever attempted in its 53-year-old history. This analysis was squeezed into a desktop computer that calculates twice...

Evaluating the Dynamic Operating Benefits of Hydro Power Plants
In 1986, the Electric Power Research Institute asked Decision Focus to develop a new planning model to quantify the dynamic operating benefits of power technologies that offer operating...

Document Image Systems for Hydro License Compliance
This paper will present one company's experience in selecting and implementing a document imaging system for management of correspondence, environmental studies, dam safety...

Screening Data with an Expert System (PDAS)
The performance of a three-mile long penstock, constructed in an active landslide area in northern California, is monitored using 138 vibrating wire-strain gauges. Readings are taken daily,...

The Wisconsin River System Operations Model: WIRSOM
The passage of the Electric Consumers Protection Act of 1986 requires the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to give equal consideration to non-power as well as power values in hydroelectric...

Digital Governor Application ? Bradley Lake Project
The Bradley Lake Project has two impulse turbines rated at 60 MW each to provide power to the Railbelt region of Alaska. Solid state digital governors are utilized to respond to system...

Deflector Synchronizing and Governing
This paper is a survey of deflector control speed govern impulse turbines for synchronization to a grid, and for isolated operation. There are several advantages to deflector control versus...

Optimal Real-Time Control of Hydroelectric Power Plant Using Dynamic Programming
In this paper, an approach of optimal real-time control of hydroelectric power plant operations is presented. The methodology is based on a dynamic programming technique where the original...

Hand Held Powerhouse Control Console or Portable Data Terminal
The Portable Data Terminal (PDT) is a very small light weight hand held computer terminal that communicates with the control system computer by radio. An operator monitors power plant...

Optimising Electric Power From a Small Scale Hydro Plant
The paper summarizes new development in electrical power generation from small scale hydro prime movers. It describes various methods of power generation such as CSCF (Constant speed constant...

Ferroresonance & the Snettisham Hydroelectric Project
Key system features of the Snettisham power plant in Alaska will be highlighted along with a discussion of the operational problems encountered due to a ferroresonant condition. The project...

Voltage Regulator Influence on Generator System Stability
During initial startup of a generator system, it is not uncommon to witness generator voltage instability. Most of the time, the solution is reduced to returning the stability control...

Satellite Imagery Refines PMF Determination
This paper focuses on electromagnetic energy sensors, and describes how they are being used to determine the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for a drainage basin in Michigan. Remote sensing...

Consideration of Sedimentation on Hydropower Projects
Experience gained by analysis of a number of hydropower projects throughout the world leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider sediment related aspects in the design and...

Columbia River System Operation Review
For many years hydroelectric power has been a surplus commodity in the Pacific Northwest. However, this picture has been changing rapidly in recent years. Increasing pressures for use...

An Improved Incremental Economic Dispatch Method for Hydroelectric Generators with Nonconvex Energy Production Cost Curves
The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) has undertaken a program to improve water resource management at its hydroelectric powerplants. One feature of the resource optimization program...

Risk Analysis Applications for Dam Safety
Dam safety modifications are intended either to reduce the likelihood of the adverse consequences of dam failure or the magnitude of adverse consequences. For instance, widening a spillway...

Dardanelle Turbines
The Dardanelle turbines located at river mile 205.5 of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, are experiencing an unusual amount of wear in the blade trunnion bushings. Oil...

Rocky Mountain Pump-Turbines and Related Mechanical Equipment
The Rocky Mountain powerplant will have three reversible, single stage, vertical shaft pump-turbine units, each having a maximum output of 321 MW generating and a maximum pumping capacity...

Decision Support for Colorado River Operations
The United States Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) uses a simulation model known as the 24-month Study Model for planning monthly and seasonal operations for the Colorado River Basin....





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