Vibration Control Damper Using Sloshing of Water
The objective of this study is to develop a method of reducing wind-induced vibration of long-period structures utilizing sloshing of water in tanks added to the upper part of the structures....

Dynamic Response Prediction for Earthquake Resistance Design of Bridge Structures
Newly developed nonlinear analysis procedures for assessing the earthquake resistance of bridges have been incorporated into the computer program SEISAB (SEISmic Analysis of Bridges)....

Reliable Displacements from Integrated Quick-Release Accelerograms
A new baseline correction method has been developed which allows accelerograms collected during quick-release tests of full scale structures to be doubly integrated to displacements. The...

Experimental Study on Structural Control for Seismic Loads Using Passive and Active Devices
The feasibility of controlling the responses of structures against seismic loads is investigated through some experiments and numerical analyses for both the passive and active control...

Bond and Dowel Action of a Main Bar in a RC Beam
The bond and dowel action are analytically treated independently on each other in most cases. The bond behavior may be, however, much affected by the dowel action in structural members....

ATC-23: A Survey of California Hospitals for Earthquake Survivability Potential
In September, 1986 the SSC recommended the completion of a survey of existing acute care hospitals as the first step in a program to bring about the upgrading of all pre-1973 hospitals...

Postearthquake Safety Evaluation of Buildings
Procedures for the safety evaluation of buildings in earthquake damaged areas have been developed. Two evaluation techniques, Rapid Screening and Detailed Inspection, are described. Rapid...

Consequences and Achievement of Supplemental Damping for Improved Seismic Performance
An earthquake resistant design philosophy which relies upon increased stiffness and damping rather than increased strength and ductility has been investigated. The effect of adding supplemental...

Earthquake Damage Estimates of Conventional and Isolated Structures
The philosophy inherent in current seismic design codes for buildings accepts the premise that there will be both structural and non-structural damage but that life safety will be preserved....

Forced Vibration of Sliding Base Structural Systems
An analytical and experimental study of the effect of a horizontal sliding plane on the dynamic response of a single-story structure subjected to harmonic motion is presented. There is...

N-Pad?A Three-Dimensional Program for the Analysis of Base-Isolated Structures
N-PAD is a three-dimensional computer program especially written for the analysis of base-isolated structures. The program is designed with the ability to model various types of isolation...

System Identification of Earth Dams Using Seismic Records
A technique to identify the elasto-plastic dynamic properties of earth dams and, therefore to asses the capabilities and limitation of their models, is developed. The technique is based...

System Identification of Meloland Road Overcrossing
The Meloland Road Overcrossing (MRO) is a two-span reinforced concrete bridge structure located east of El Centro, California, 0.3 mi from the Imperial Fault. The Imperial Valley Earthquake...

System Identification of a Large Structure Using Pseudo-Dynamic Test Data
This paper deals with structural modeling and the determination of optimal nonlinear models by applying system identification techniques to inelastic pseudo-dynamic test data from a full-scale,...

Characteristics of a Structure-Foundation System
The dynamic characteristics of the structure-foundation system of a 1/4 -scale nuclear power plant containment model is studied using seismic records. The model structure is treated as...

Modal Parameter Identification of an Offshore Platform from Earthquake Response Records
The Whittier Narrows earthquake on October 1, 1987, was recorded by the earthquake monitoring system on an offshore platform installed in a water depth of 97 m in the Santa Barbara Channel....

Tradeoffs Between Active Control and Identification of Structural Systems
This paper explores the tradeoffs between structural identification and structural control in a quantitative manner. Through the intemediary concept of an optimal input, it is shown that...

Strong-Motion Records from Buildings
Since the establishment of the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program in 1972, over 90 buildings have been instrumented extensively to measure their response during earthquakes....

Some Significant Records from Instrumented Structures in California?USGS Program
The main objective in seismic instrumentation of structures is to facilitate response studies that lead to improved understanding of the dynamic behavior and the potential for damage to...

Seismic Instrumentation and Its Implication for High-Rise Buildings in Japan
An outline of the present state of the strong earthquake motions observation systems in Japan and an example of the obtained records of an earthquake and its simulation analysis of a high-rise...





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