Clay Joints in the Foundation of Dkhila Dam
The stability analysis performed at the beginning of construction, taking into account the shear test results of the foundation claystone showed insufficient safety factors against sliding....

Instream Flow and Energy Production Studies for Hydro Relicensing
A methodology for assessing the effects of alternative flow release scenarios on both aquatic habitat and on energy production was utilized during instream flow studies at a 72-MW hydroelectric...

Vibration Problems of Penstock Piping for a Vertical Tubular Hydraulic Turbine
Excessive vibration amplitudes were experienced in the vertical gated tubular units at the Great Falls Hydroelectric Project located in the City of Paterson, New Jersey. Vibration amplitude...

Update: Ozark-Webbers Falls Turbines
The Ozark and Webbers Falls powerhouses were designed and constructed under the supervision of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Both are located on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation...

Analyses of the Lower San Fernando Dam Failure
The main methods employed for the back analysis of the behaviour of the Lower San Fernando Dam during the 1971 earthquake are described. The requirements for a comprehensive analysis are...

Analysis of Concrete Gravity Dams Using Microcomputers
Monenco Consultants Limited has developed a microcomputer program entitled 'DS2' for the stability analysis of concrete gravity dams. This paper discusses this...

Knowledge-Based Expert System for the Real-Time Operation of Reservoir Systems
An efficient way to avoid the loss of valuable knowledge is to develop an expert system which incorporates hydrologic, hydraulic, system analysis, environmental, economical knowledge based...

Evaluating Uplift Pressures for Concrete Gravity Dams
An approach for evaluating uplift and dam foundation conditions, which resulted from the initial phases of an Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) study is presented. An earlier study...

Experience with the Application of Fully 3D Potential Flow Analysis to Runner Design
Hydraulic turbines come in various shapes and types depending on their operating conditions. Their performance characteristics depend largely on the runner which is the most difficult...

Guidelines for Failure Investigation
The Guidelines for Failure Investigation by the Task Committee on Guidelines for Failure Investigations of the Technical Council on Forensic...

Cautious Risk Taking
Traditionally, the design engineer could bear virtually unlimited liability for design failure. Now he is less vulnerable. The concept is less than 20 years old, but since the early 70s,...

Grouting Trends
The grouting industry is discussed and North American practice compared to European practice. There has been more innovation in this field overseas, but there have also been failures....

Specification as a Requirement for Hot Mix Asphalt
A brief description of the current national research programs that affect the development of specifications is included in this paper. Elements of the Strategic Highway Research Program...

Real-Time Project Tracking
Too often project tracking is based on a job costing program which charges costs to the project based upon invoices from vendors and payrolls of employees. The information obtained from...

Potential Misuse of Construction Scheduling Software
The advent of microcomputers, coupled together with the development of many easy to use and economical scheduling packages, has placed a very powerful tool in the hands of construction...

Effect of Planning Errors on Construction Safety
A discussion of the planning phase of the building process associated with all the activities that are accomplished during this phase is presented. The different types of errors that occur...

Eliminating Bias in Construction Schedules to Measure Time
Schedules developed for use in managing the construction process which are accurate for that use are not necessarily sufficiently accurate to measure and evaluate delays and changes to...

Project Control Via Acoustical Sensing
This paper describes ongoing research into automating the process of collecting project control information using acoustical sensing devices. The paper describes how frequency spectra...

Decision Support System for Achieving and Measuring Design Effectiveness
A microcomputer program is developed to serve as a decision system for improving design effectiveness. The program, called 'Design Effectiveness Evaluation and Implementation...

Pumped-Storage: An Analysis of Optimal Capacity
This paper presents a systems analysis procedure to evaluate planning alternatives for pumped-storage operated in an existing power system. This procedure can be used by planners and engineers...





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