Longshore Transport of Pebbles: Experimental Estimates of K
Three tracer experiments which provide estimates of the coefficient of proportionality (K) for the longshore transport of pebbles in the CERC equation are reconsidered. The values are...

Conglomeratic Shoreface Deposits from the Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada
Conglomeratic shoreface deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Cardium Formation are well exposed at an outcrop in northwestern Alberta. The conglomerates there compose over 80% of the total...

Problems with Predicting the Transport of Pumiceous Sediments in the Coastal Environment
Pumice is often a major component of coastal sediments associated with subduction zone volcanic settings. Several recent studies in New Zealand have highlighted the difficulties of predicting...

Mapping Barrier Island Changes in Louisiana: Techniques, Accuracy, and Results
Changes in shoreline position along Louisiana's rapidly changing barrier coastline were compiled using cartographic data sources and aerial photography from 1855 to 1989. An interactive...

Accuracy Standards and Development of a National Shoreline Change Data Base
Data associated with mapping shoreline position provides baseline information used by scientists, managers, and planners for quantitative assessment of historical trends and prediction...

Keys to High-Accuracy Mapping of Shoreline Changes
For many years it has been difficult to overlay maps and aerial photographs with different scales and publication dates using conventional techniques. Large processing errors also made...

Geologic Controls on the Formation and Evolution of Quaternary Coastal Deposits of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
A study of the barrier islands and wetlands in the deltaic plain of Louisiana is presented. Its purpose was to document rapid changes and to learn more about the processes responsible...

Processes Controlling the Retreat of the Isles Dernieres, A Louisiana Barrier-Island Chain
The Isles Dernieres is a low-lying, transgressive barrier-island chain situated about 150 km west of the modern Mississippi delta. Much of the Isles Dernieres consists of highly dissected...

Cyclonic Events and Sedimentation in the Gulf of Mexico
An ample literature exists documenting the destructive effects hurricanes have upon offshore barrier islands and coastlines. The Gulf of Mexico region has been especially heavily impacted...

Sand Bypassing at Indian River Inlet, Delaware
To solve a beach erosion problem north of Indian River Inlet, Delaware, the US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District and the State of Delaware have constructed a fixed plant sand...

Effects of Sea Level Rise on the Mississippi River Delta Plain
Geologic studies of the Mississippi River delta plain and continental shelf reveal the occurrence of several relative sea level stillstands during the last stages of the Holocene transgression....

The Stratigraphic Record of Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 on the Maryland Inner Shelf
Present knowledge of Holocene transgressive coastal/shelf systems, while extensive, cannot directly address the effects and consequences of an extended period of relatively high sea levels...

Processes of Sediment Transport and Ebb Tidal Delta Development at a Jettied Inlet
This paper deals with the development of the ebb tidal delta following the extension of jetties at a tidal river entrance. The growth rate and morphological change are discussed using...

Thoughts on Large Scale Coastal Behavior
Large scale coastal behaviour (LSCB) deals with the development of coastal profiles and sediment budgets of a large coastal stretch (order tens of km's) over a considerable...

Processes of Shoreline Change Along the Nile Delta Coast of Egypt
A comprehensive program has been underway for more than a decade to collect nearshore data related to erosion problems experienced along the shoreline of the Nile Delta. The data include...

Development of an Input Data Set for Shoreline Change Modeling
Procedures and analysis techniques for pre-processing physical data sets in preparation for performing a numerical shoreline change simulation study using the GENESIS model are presented....

Beach Erosion in Japan and Its Classification
Beach erosion in Japan is investigated in a nationwide scale and the causes are classified into six categories. Of six categories the most important factors are 1) obstruction of continuous...

Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Determined by EOF Method
Laboratory and field data of beach profile changes are used to study the cross-shore transport rate. The Empirical Orthogonal Eigenfunction analysis is applied to separate the temporal...

Higher Frequency Acoustic Measurements of Coarse Bedload Transport
Although sensors have been developed which provide high temporal resolution for the measurement of wave profiles, flow fields and suspended sediment concentrations within the coastal system,...

Planning Subsurface Storage-Transport Facilities for Combined Sewer Overflow Control in Cincinnati, Ohio
The wastewater collection system in the greater Cincinnati area includes a large area served by a combined sewer system. The combined sewer system drains to the Ohio River and several...





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