Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part I, the Approach
A model of incised channel evolution was developed to integrate the geotechnical and hydraulic factors that are involved in channel rehabilitation. Bank stability is attained when the...

Stratigraphy of Alluvial Fan Flood Deposits
The purpose of this paper is to describe an engineering geologic technique for assessing the frequency and magnitude of sedimentation events on alluvial fans. The technique is based on...

Coastal Flood Insurance Study Procedures for Puget Sound
Procedures for a coastal flood insurance study are presented. The 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence interval runup flood evaluations are estimated from an analysis of historical...

Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and the Environment
An interdisciplinary studies process was instrumental developing the controversial Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway in an environmentally responsible manner. The paper describes measures incorporated...

Modelling the Effects of Wind on Pavement Runoff
Phase I of this study, the primary focus of this paper, consists of the development of a mathematical model to predict runoff depths from a pavement under uniform wind conditions. The...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

The Life and Science of R. A. Bagnold
The purpose of this paper is to highlight and honor the exciting life and many significant contributions made by Brigadier Ralph A. Bagnold to our understanding of hydraulics and sediment...

Task Committee Activities on Microcomputer Software in Urban Hydrology
This Task Committee of the Surface Water Hydrology Committee has been established with the primary objective of developing an inventory of presently available software and to recommend...

Microcomputer Capability: Practitioners' Perspective
Leading practitioners in the water resources engineering field want new graduates who are well grounded in fundamentals and are computer literate. The needs of leading practitioners are...

Federal Microcomputer Software for Urban Hydrology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, availability, and general use of selected urban hydrology microcomputer software developed by: U.S. Soil Conservation Service...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineer Manual A. Overview
Until the 1970's, sediment analyses within the Corps of Engineers were mostly confined to estimates of the reservoir sediment storage needed, for the life of the project....

Corps of Engineers EM 1110-2-4000 Chapter 3?Sediment Yield
This paper overviews the chapter on sediment yield, one of the three technical chapters of this new design manual. Corps methods to determine sediment yield primarily feature the use of...

River Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 4 of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Manual of Sedimentation Engineering. The chapter identifies potential river sedimentation problems, associates...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineering Manual D. Reservoir Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 5, Reservoir Sedimentation, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Engineering Manual (EM) on Sedimentation Engineering, EM 1110-2-4000. The chapter...

Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Hydroturbine Efficiency and Cavitation Monitoring
The paper describes a microcomputer-based system for monitoring hydroturbine performance and cavitation level. Remote access to the monitoring system provides convenient, rapid, and accurate...

Uncertainty and Value Analysis in the Selection of Dam Modification Alternative
Objectives and attributes were decided by the dam and watershed requirements, value judgments of decision makers, quantified trade-offs between different attribute values, and technical...

Debris-Flow Research and Engineering Practice
For debris-flow analysis to enter standard engineering practice, future research must extend existing models to deal with major complications that arise in field practice. This paper reviews...

Density Currents and Their Application in Hydraulic Engineering: Task Committee Progress Report
The Task Committee on Density Currents and Their Applications in Hydraulic Engineering operates under the Technical Committee on Hydrologic Transport and Dispersion. The Task Committee...

Identification of Automation Opportunities
Construction, although the world's largest industry, is also its most archaic. Most construction practices are very labor-intensive, with resulting impacts on safety, productivity,...





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