Monitoring Absolute Sea Level Change
Global-scale monitoring of sea level change is a key component of the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The NOAA Global Sea Level program incorporates state-of-the-art satellite and...

Satellite Mapped Imagery for CoastWatch
The goal of CoastWatch, an activity within the new Coastal Ocean Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is to provide data and products for near real-time...

A New Approach to Ocean Data Management
Ocean Data Management is the collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of a wide variety of physical, chemical, biological and geological data useful for research purposes in the...

The Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program: Policy Planning and Inter-agency Coordination
The purpose of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program has been to make comprehensive policy recommendations on how ocean and coastal resources should be managed and to identify...

Coastal Zone Management in a Changing Morphological Environment: A Case-Study from the Netherlands
Between 1971 and 1986 three major estuaries in the Dutch Delta area were closed as part of the Delta-project. On the ebb-tidal delta complex of these estuaries (the so-called 'Voordelta')...

A Coastal Action Strategy for Southern Africa
The rapidly changing demands and circumstances in southern Africa are offering exciting new challenges in coastal zone management (CZM) and have highlighted the urgent need for effective...

Restoration of Coastal Dune Systems in Southern California State Parks
Coastal dune systems in southern California possess little of their historical and biological characteristics. If not completely extirpated by development, then the loss of native plants...

Management of Historic and Non-Historic Submerged Shipwreck Resources in California
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages states to establish management programs for historic and non-historic shipwrecks. Conceptually, a management program will consist of a regulatory...

Implementation of the North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
Since 1913, The North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) has been responsible for administering the Port of North Fraser. This responsibility is especially challenging because the port is...

A Zoning Code Revision for Port Development?The Story of East Providence
The City of East Providence evaluated the effectiveness of the City's 30 year old zoning code and revised performance standards in the zoning text in light of possible marine...

Shell Island Evolution
In 1979, Shell Island was overtopped by Hurricane Bob breaching the barrier island with an opening that now has increased to a width of approximately 2.7 kilometers. Saltwater intrusion...

Observations of Seasonal and Interseasonal Variability in Shelikof Strait, Alaska
Nearly five years of monthly mean current data from two locations (one nearshore on the shallow shelf and one in the Shelikof sea valley) are used in conjunction with surface geostrophic...

Recreational Impacts on Coastal Habitats: Ventura County Fairgrounds, California
The doubling of California's population since 1960 has presented new challenges to the California Coastal Act's mandates to maximize public coastal access and...

Review of Recent Coastal Research in the Soviet Union
Information about sediment suspension regularities, their distribution in the water column and ways of sediment transport is indispensible for the solution of ecological and sea culture...

Distribution and Developing Trace of Productive Forces in China Coastal Development Zones
Following the setting up of special economic zones in 1979 and the opening of the 14 coastal port cities in 1984 in China, 14 economic and technological development zones were set up one...

A Portable Geographic Information System (GIS) for Coastal Mapping
The combined increases in portable computing power and storage with the availability of new software has enabled the development of a truly portable Geographic Information System (GIS)...

Sediment Yield Location Maps
The West National Technical Center of the Soil Conservation Service is compiling a series of colored sediment yield location maps for the eleven western United States, as well as Alaska...

An Outstanding Marine Area in the Saint Lawrence Estuary
On April 6, 1990, the federal and Quebec governments signed an historic agreement for the establishment of a marine park at the confluence of the Saguenay fjord and the Saint Lawrence...

Phased Engineering Development and Multiple Agency Review of Public Safety Issues
Several Santa Barbara County agencies have key engineering review responsibilities for new development. The magnitude of issues raised and the level of engineering review required for...

Basic Physical Models in Sediment Transport
Basic particle dynamics and cellular automata micromodels of clastic sediments are described and applications are illustrated in the areas of aeolian saltation, bedload transport, size...





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