A Computer Aided Approach to Missing Time-Series Data Replacement
The objective of this research is to design, construct, and demonstrate a computer utility which will interactively aid the time series researcher in choosing an appropriate missing data...

Microcomputer Methods for Toxicants in Ground Waters and Rivers
This paper describes a program written for the IBM personal computers to assess the fate of toxicants in ground waters and in rivers. The algorithms in the program were selected from a...

Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Single-Activated Sludge
The objective of this paper is to discuss the results of operating a laboratory bench scale compartmentalized activated sludge unit operated at a hydraulic detention time ( theta ) of...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow and Sewage Effluent Migration in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of a proposed sewage effluent discharge located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca just outside of Sequim Bay, Washignton. The three-dimensional,...

Institutional Constraints and Evaluation of Potential Management Strategies on the Colorado River System
Management of the Colorado River reservoir system is a complex problem influenced by a number of institutional constraints including interstate compact agreements, international treaties,...

Yield-ET Functions in Irrigation Systems Design
A linear-programming (LP) framework and associated computer routines were developed to evaluate economics of deficit irrigation in system design and to optimize the sizing and operation...

Statewide Port Assessment?Louisiana Case
The Louisiana Statewide Ports Assessment (LSPA) has been conducted of significant changes in the economic environment of the State, Nation and world, which influences not only trade patterns...

Estuary-Wide Mitigation Options for Port Development in Tampa Bay, Florida
The need for a regional strategy to address the environmental problems resulting from port development in Tampa Bay was recognized as important for the improvement and protection of the...

PVEM?A Model for Assessing Vessel Air Pollutants
The Port Vessel Emission Model (PVEM) is a computer program which calculates air pollutant emissions resulting from vessel activity in a port for various operations scenarios. These scenarios...

Quantifying Florida's Coastal Storm Wave Susceptibility
A simple computer model capable of describing potential storm wave inundation and damage along Florida's sandy beaches is described from first principles. Model STORMWAVE...

Micro-CAD Systems: A Dream Come True
Computer-aided design and drafting systems that run on inexpensive microcomputers are examined. Several major systems (products) are covered via the users point of view. Many small civil...

SULF.BAS, an IBM PC Sulfide Prediction and Corrosion Analysis Program for Sanitary Sewers
'SULF. BAS' is a Basic language computer model which predicts sulfide buildup and corrosion protection required in a sanitary sewer system. The prediction is...

Proportioning Reinforcement for Buried Concrete Pipe
The proportioning of reinforcement between inner and outer cages that is specified in ASTM Standard Specification C76 for concrete pipe in sewer and culvert applications is examined in...

Large Basin Runoff Forecasting on Small Computers
The Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) developed a semiautomatic software package for making deterministic outlooks of basin moisture storage conditions, basin runoff,...

Hydropower Surveys with Microcomputers
A microcomputer program, HYFEAS, has been written in BASIC for use in pre-feasibility assessments of a given site. HYFEAS uses a flow duration curve, headwater and tailwater curves, information...

Microcomputers in Domestic Water System Evaluation
Water system hydraulic network analysis can be accomplished rapidly and accurately using microcomputer systems affordable by engineering firms and staffs of major water utilities. Simulations...

Reservoir Operation Simulation on Micro Computers
A reservoir operations planning model for a potential reservoir site on the Karadj River in Iran was developed utilizing a personal computer and a commercial spreadsheet package. The model...

Microcomputer Simulation of Jets and Wakes
Illustrations are presented for radial jets and for turbulent flows in the wake of circular cylinders. The paper illustrates the use and importance of low-cost computational tools in engineering...

A 1-D Saltwater Intrusion Program on the IBM-PC
A one-dimensional finite element program has been developed for use on the IBM-PC as an aid to teaching groundwater hydrology to students. The program uses linear elements and the Galerkin...

An Operational Dynamic Routing Model for Small Computers
The paper reports on a study to develop an efficient dynamic routing procedure that can be used on an IBM PC/XT microcomputer as the routing component in a comprehensive watershed simulation...





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