Building a Regional Consensus for Ecosystem Management: The Gulf of Maine Experience
This paper will review the genesis of the Gulf of Maine Program, a regional marine protection initiative undertaken by the states and provinces bordering this international water body....

Borderline Estuaries and Interstate Management Programs
Estuaries bordered by more than one state authority often suffer from contrasting and/or conflicting management practices along the shores of a continuous body of water. Management strategies...

Model Comparisons of Harbor Wave Response
Physical and numerical model tests were conducted for an idealized, flat-bottom rectangular harbor, entrance channel, and nearshore bathymetry. Bathymetry of the entrance channel and offshore...

Pollution Control Strategies of the Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan: Puget Sound Water Quality Authority
In 1988 EPA designated Puget Sound as an estuary of national significance under section 320 of the Clean Water Act. Due to its natural beauty, favorable climate, and economic health, the...

Surface Water Improvement and Management (SWIM) Planning at the South Florida Water Management District
During the past century, environmental values of Florida's wetlands, lakes and estuaries have been severly impacted by human activities. By 1987, the Florida legislature was...

A Four-Point Strategy for Improving Coastal Water Quality
Pollution from point- and non-point sources has altered the basic chemical and physical composition of near-shore waters. At the same time we are bombarding bays and estuaries with a steady...

Offshore Oil and Gas Support Facility Siting Study
It has been estimated that the Bodega Basin, which extends offshore of Sonoma County, contains four areas of high potential for oil production, with a total of up tp 195 million barrels...

The Economic Benefits of Hurricane and Storm Damage Reductiohn
The Mobile District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is currently evaluating the feasibility of a hurricane and storm damage reduction project at Panama City Beach, Florida. Under Corps...

A Summary of the Chesapeake Bay Area Public Access Plan: A Virginia Perspective
The purpose of the Chesapeake Bay Area Public Access Plan is to provide guidance at the Federal, state, and local level in meeting the need for public access to the Chesapeake Bay. This...

The Search for Public Access in New York State
Public access to coastal areas for recreational purposes is a declared policy goal of both Federal and State governments. Accomplishment of this goal involves issues of public versus private...

NOAA's Tampa Bay Oceanography Project
The Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment of NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS) is presently conducting the Tampa Bay Oceanography Project (TOP). TOP was undertaken...

Effect of Wind on Coastal Construction in Florida
The State of Florida's tidal shoreline is 8,426 miles long. Both the east and the west coast of Florida is subjected to several coastal storms each year. The present study...

Using GIS Technology in Assessing the Impact of the SC Beachfront Management Act Following Hurricane Hugo
The 1988 South Carolina Beachfront Management Act was passed into law as a means to protect South Carolina's valuable and fragile coastline by ensuring a gradual retreat from...

Foundations and Breakaway Walls of Small Coastal Buildings in Hurricane Hugo
After Hurricane Hugo a survey of damage to small, coastal buildings was conducted in North and South Carolina. The performance of elevated foundations, breakaway walls and foundation cross...

Citizen Monitoring Component of the Maryland Targeted Watershed Project
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has conducted a water quality testing program using volunteers since July of 1985. This program has laid the foundation for volunteers to help Bay managers...

Salt Pond Watchers, Citizen Monitoring for Better Government Decisions
Since 1985, 50 Salt Pond Watchers have monitored the effects of development on 7 estuarine bays in Rhode Island. Volunteers test the waters biweekly for temperature, dissolved oxygen (LaMotte...

California's Adopt-a-Beach: More Than Just a Cleanup
California's Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup and Recycling Program is in its seventh year of dramatic growth. Beginning as an annual one-day cleanup, it has now expanded year 'round...

Marina Regulation Studies
This report presents options for Virginia to consider in the development of a state program for controlling houseboat wastes. It is anticipated that overboard discharges of waste will...

Rehabilitation of Vertical Thin-Walled Breakwater
Physical hydraulic model tests were conducted to measure wave transmission and force characteristics of a partial vertical thin-walled breakwater. Tests were run for the breakwater in...

Historical Changes in the Beaches of Los Angeles County
The condition of the beaches of Santa Monica Bay are the result of natural events and man's intervention in coastal processes. This paper reviews events which have shaped...





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