The Changing Alliance Between Navigational and Environmental Interests in the ACF Basin
Structural modifications imposed on the Apalachi-cola River for navigation, their environmental impacts and government actions to address these impacts are reviewed. Past structural modifications...

Managing Water Supply with Aquifer Storage and Recovery
The City of Chesapeake, located in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, is experiencing a rapid growth in population which translates into an increased demand for water, particularly during...

Optimal Capacity Expansion in Multi-Aquifer Systems
A deterministic optimization model is presented for analyzing the capacity expansion policies in multi aquifer systems. The response of the system is included in the optimization model...

Wetland Restoration and Creation Guidelines for Mitigation
The majority of wetland mitigation projects built in the U.S. are failures. Reasons for failure include poor siting, improper design (including inadequate baseline data collection), inadequate...

Assessing the Reliability of the Water Supply to a Closed Basin Wetlands
In many reports, it has been predicted that the loss of the Cheyenne Bottoms as a wetlands area would have an adverse effect on a great deal of the North American migratory shore bird...

Implementation of the NPDES Storm Water Regulations by Municipalities in the San Francisco Bay Area
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) final rule for storm water discharge regulation under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requires municipalities...

Jefferson Parish Storm Water Management
Jefferson Parish has been identified as an urban area requiring a municipal storm water NPDES permit. Jefferson is now in the progress of completing its Part 1 permit applications and...

Calibration and Validation of the Storm Water Management Model to the Providence Area Combined Sewer System
This paper exemplifies the calibration and validation of the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to one drainage area within the Providence (RI) area combined sewer overflow system....

Management of Portland's Combined Sewer System
The City of Portland, Oregon, has embarked upon a two-year program to develop a long-term management program for its combined sewer system. A team of consultants is assisting the City...

Feasibility of Water Supply for City of Houston Subsidence Zones Five and Six
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the feasibility of providing surface water to the Harris Galveston Coastal Subsidence District (HGCSD) Zones Five and Six (located in North Houston...

Information Theory and Multi-Objective Evaluation
The evaluation of alternatives with scarce knowledge is a common decision-making situation. This situation contrasts with decision-making in the presence of abundant knowledge, which is...

Rural-Urban Water Transfers in Nevada: Solution or Problem?
Nevada is the most arid of the 50 states, yet is one of the fastest growing in terms of population. With this population growth, primarily in its two largest population centers, Las Vegas...

System Operating Strategies in Water Rights Modeling and Analysis
The appropriative surface water rights permit structure in Texas has provided the impetus to develop TAMUWRAP, a river basin simulation package that will allow the response of multiple...

Ongoing Monitoring Results Pilot Stormwater Disposal Facilities, Pierce County, Washington
The three stormwater disposal facilities evaluated appeared to increase in pollutant removal effectiveness after approximately 4 to 5 months of operation. This may be due to the deposition...

Dry Weather Field Screening as an Indicator for Urban Drainage System Rehabilitation
In November 1990, EPA published final rules governing National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Application Regulations for stormwater discharges. The rules affect...

Design and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply Systems for Improved Performance
During the period 1980-1990 the United Nations sponsored a comprehensive effort to bring potable water supplies throughout the world. For many urban and rural areas in developing countries...

Coupled Water-Wastewater Management Issues
The concept of coupled alternatives is an emerging engineering issue in master planning for water resources management. Coupled alternatives involve the concurrent evaluation of water...

On-Line Optimal Control of Urban Water Supply
There has been some interest in optimizing water delivery systems, but as yet, no one has developed an on-line optimal control algorithm. This paper explains the approach Memphis State...

Decision Analysis Model for Well Rehabilitation and Groundwater Development, Moses Lake, Washington
A decision analysis model has been developed for evaluating various well rehabilitation strategies and long-term groundwater development alternatives, as well as various investigation...

Reservoir Operating Rules for Maximum Hydropower Production
A procedure for testing the effectiveness of reservoir operating rules for real-time, multi-purpose reservoir operation is presented. Particularly, models that may be used to achieve maximum...





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