Large Scale Water Resources Systems Planning-Approach and Case Study
Planning approach for large scale water resource systems planning backed by models has been developed. Four hierarchial stages are identified and mulitlevel multiobjective models have...

Computer Model for Wastewater Reclamation
This paper describes how an efficient computer model can be constructed and used to evaluate planning options for wastewater reclamation. The situation in the City of Scottsdale, Arizona,...

Personnel Policies for Operations Management in the Computer Age
The human factor is an essential ingredient and the key element in successful computer applications for water resources or any other field. Engineers in general, and engineering managers...

Parameter Identification in Water System Models
Parameter identification (PI) is an automatic model calibration technique with which the unknown physical parameters in a mathematical model are determined from a constrained optimization...

Reliability Analysis of Urban Water Supply
The high economic and environmental costs of large water supply projects are forcing engineers to consider not only alternative means of increasing system reliability, such as interconnections,...

Hydraulic Profile Computation Using CADD
The data preparation can also be performed by directly recording onto a computer tape the aerial survey cross section ground points and the field survey work. A computer program can then...

BAKWATR (3)--Computation of Gradually Varied Flow
The BAKWATR computer program computes profiles of gradually varied flow in open channels of irregular shape using a microcomputer. Channel cross sections are defined by a series of points...

Optimal Muskingum River Routing
The Muskingum method of river routing is well established and frequently used. An attempt is made to improve the method by optimal selection of the model parameters. The common linear...

Setup and Usage of Multitasking Microcomputers for Water Management Problem Solving
Software and hardware that were developed in the evolution of the microcomputer from the Altair to today's state of the art multitasking systems are discussed. The rationale...

Hydrologic Work Group System Using Distributed Task Processing
The notion behind work group systems is that a collection of co-workers, numbering from a few to a few tens of people, is the logical unit around which to build a centralized microcomputer...

The National Water Well Association's Ground Water Software Centre
The National Water Well Association (NWWA) offers a new service to the members of the ground water industry. NWWA's Ground Water Software Centre markets computer programs...

Microcomputer Application in Predicting Upland Erosion
An erosion-deposition model, originally developed for a mainframe computer, was adapted for an Apple IIe. With minimal adjustment it can also be used on other personal microcomputers....

The SRI Technique for Flood Frequency Analysis
This paper presents a technique for flood flow frequency analysis called the Storm Response Index (SRI), and a case study using the technique. The SRI method is based on the development...

Evaluating Water Policy Options by Simulation
Computer simulation models are used to predict the effects of three sample water policy decisions on selected conjunctive water use/sustained groundwater yield strategies for the Arkansas...

Indoor Air Quality Simulations with the Mass Balance Model
Recent studies relate energy conservation measures, specifically to reduction of the air exchange rate of residences, with potential adverse health effects due to human exposure to increased...

Groundwater Studies for Land Treatment Facility
A wastewater treatment facility currently under construction in Falmouth, Massachusetts, features a dual disposal method for land application of effluent. As the effluent disposal site...

Computer Control of Lift Station Operations
A unique computerized control system to supervise the operation of several lift stations has been designed by Boyle Engineering Corporation (Boyle) and constructed by the City of Orlando,...

Simplified Methods to Predict the Fate of Metals in Rives
Heavy metal contamination of rivers is of increasing concern to society. To help predict the fate of metals in rivers, researchers have developed computer models to simulate speciation...

NCASI Enhancements of the QUAL-II Model
The mathematical water quality model QUAL-II has been modified to reflect advances in the understanding of algal, nutrient, and light interactions. Code changes were also made to incorporate...

Computer Simulation of Lime-Soda Softening of Cooling Waters
A computer model is developed to simulate the process of lime-soda softening of cooling waters. Results from the model are compared with those from a laboratory experimental study using...





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