Interim Findings of an Ocean Policy Study for the State of Mississippi
In 1989, the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal program received funding from the National Sea Grant Program to produce an Ocean Policy Study for the state of Mississippi. The goals of...

Environmental and Economic Feasibility of Water Supply Alternatives in Hawaii and California: Desalination, Water Marketing and Conservation
Increasing urban demand for potable water in Honolulu, Hawaii and Santa Barbara, California, jeopardizes scarce supplies. The objective of this analysis is to compare the costs and benefits...

The Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program: Policy Planning and Inter-agency Coordination
The purpose of the Hawaii Ocean Resources Management Program has been to make comprehensive policy recommendations on how ocean and coastal resources should be managed and to identify...

Effects of Sea Level Rise on the California Coast
Although California is thought to be an emerging coastline which would be little affected by a change in sea level, a 5 foot rise over the next 100 years could have a significant impact...

Roadside Associated Disturbance on Coastal Dunes
Park Road 100 extends through the developed southernmost 8 km of South Padre Island and continues northward for 11.5 km through the Secondary Dunes and Vegetated Flats (SDVF) zone of the...

Coastal Dune Blowouts?Dynamics and Management Implications
New approaches to coastal dune management have been advocated recently, including dune grading and dune destabilization. A management concern in the case of destabilization involves the...

Success of Dune Restoration After Removal of UXO
The discovery of unexploded ordnance (UXO) at South Beach, a popular recreational beach on Martha's Vineyard island in Massachusetts, necessitated that the area be declared...

Bayswater Park Restoration?The Case for Offsite Mitigation
A long term parking lot redevelopment, including a 33 acre (0.13 km2) expansion on an undeveloped parcel of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) International...

Talbert Channel Ocean Outlet Mitigation Plan
The construction of public works projects within a coastal zone requires the cooperation of all permitting and approval authorities to identify project goals, impacts and alternatives...

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill: Update on Persistence and State of Alaska Activities
The Exxon Valdez incident of 24 March 1989 caused the oiling of over 1,100 miles of Alaskan coastline and over 11,000 square miles of coastal waters. The State responded immediately to...

Regional Coastal Planning and Regulation: The Cape Cod Experience
In Massachusetts, the entire land and water mass of Cape Cod is within the designated coastal zone. Thus, all federal actions affecting this area must be consistent with the state's...

Potential Benefits of Harvest Refugia in Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
Waters surrounding the California Channel Islands are managed for many diverse, and apparently conflicting, uses. Generally, activities are permitted that do not threaten long-term resource...

San Diego Bay Eeelgrass Planting and Mitigation
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts to mitigate for the loss of eelgrass and creation of an eelgrass bank to compensate for possible future losses in San Diego Bay....

Factors Influencing the Settlement of California Halibut
California halibut (Paralichthys californicus) is an important species to recreational and commercial fisheries of California. The species typically uses coastal bays and wetlands as nursery...

Restoration of Coastal Dune Systems in Southern California State Parks
Coastal dune systems in southern California possess little of their historical and biological characteristics. If not completely extirpated by development, then the loss of native plants...

Management of Historic and Non-Historic Submerged Shipwreck Resources in California
The Abandoned Shipwreck Act of 1987 encourages states to establish management programs for historic and non-historic shipwrecks. Conceptually, a management program will consist of a regulatory...

The 301(h) Waiver & the Clean Water Act in Southern California
Throughout the late 1970's and 1980's Los Angeles City and county governments fought the Clean Water Act from being implemented. An amendment to the Clean Water...

Demonstration of Pesticide Best Management Practices for Controlling Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Monterey Bay Watershed
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a grant to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments for the purpose of conducting a two year demonstration project addressing...

Controlling Nitrogen Loading to Coastal Waters
Of the countless contaminants that reach coastal waters, nitrogen is one of the most problematic and least regulated. There is ample evidence that many coastal embayments are overwhelmed...

An Evaluation of the Role of Port Administration in Comprehensive Planning and Management of the Canadian Coast?The Example of Vancouver
The current institutional approach adopted to plan and regulate developments in Canada's major ports is assessed. To determine the effectiveness of the Canadian approach,...





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