A Marine Thruster in Small Scale Hydropower
A 70 kW hydroelectric plant utilizing a marine thruster as a turbine was commissioned in May, 1985. The thruster, the construction management, the site conditions and the testing program...

Development of Two Plants on California Canals
The projects utilize the head drop between canals on the system of the Central California Irrigation District (CCID. ) The projects utilize the elevation difference between the District's...

Construction Management of Small Hydro Projects
A major driving force in the small hydro industry is the corps of private entrepreneurs actively engaged in the development of small hydro projects. While many of these developers are...

Re-Use of Civil Structures Make Norway Hydro Possible
Utilization of abandoned civil facilities made the addition of 1,800 KW to an operating 3,200 KW hydro plant of the City of Norway, Michigan Light and Power feasible. Work consisted of...

Crooke's Falls Small Hydro: A Case History
The paper discusses the background, financing, licensing and other aspects of hydroelectric power plant development at Crooke's Falls, Colorado....

The Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric Project
The 4 MW Cherokee Falls Hydroelectric Project is located near Gaffney, South Carolina, at the existing Cherokee Falls dam at mile 102 on the Broad River. The work involves constructing...

The Ruedi Project?A Case Study
Ruedi Dam is a 285' high earthfill structure constructed in 1968 by the Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Transmountain Diversion Project. In November...

Non-Federal Hydropower Development at Federal Facilities
The opportunities are available for meaningful coordination among hydropower developers, consulting engineers, and Federal, State, and local agencies to promote comprehensive development...

Hydropower on the Arkansas?A Non-Federal Development
In 1980, Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation (AECC) filed preliminary permit applications with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for developing the hydropower potential at...

Non-Federal Development at Corps Projects: Ohio River Division Experience
The paper presents the recent experience of the Ohio River Division of the Corps of Engineers (ORD) in non-federal development of the hydropower potential at existing Corps projects under...

Non-Federal Development at a Federal Dam: A Case Study
The 2. 8 MW Mt. Elbert Conduit Hydropower Project, developed by STS Energenics Ltd. Inc. , will begin operation mid-October, 1985. The powerhouse has been constructed and the turbine and...

Retrofit Hydropower at Corps of Engineers' Dams
The Sacramento District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for the review of retrofit hydropower by non-federal entities at 14 dams in the District. This review actually...

Relicensing/Renewal and Coordinated Consultation
A project which has been constructed and operating for a number of years offers a substantial set of empirical data for assessing how - and by whom - the project should be continued in...

The Institutional Lender's View of Project Insurance Issues
The purposes of this article are to describe the typical insurance requirements of project financing institutions (particularly for projects with an insurable value of less than 20 million)...

Escondido Decision?Results, Impacts & Applications
The United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision of May 15, 1984, now requires Federal agencies and potential licensees to be more responsive to public needs and requirements....

Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant
This paper describes the principal design features, construction, and operation of Mt. Elbert Pumped-Storage Powerplant. Mt. Elbert is the Bureau of Reclamation's first and...

Unique Civil Engineering Features of the Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project
The Balsam Meadow Pumped-Storage Project for the Southern California Edison Company is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains approximately 55 miles northeast of Fresno, California. The...

The Bath County Pumped Storage Project
Virginia Power and the Allegheny Power System will introduce an important new peaking power service in late 1985, when the first unit of the Bath County Pumped Storage Station becomes...

Genesis of a Federal/Non-Federal Planning Study
This paper presents the course of action the Bureau of Reclamation undertook to develop an appropriate joint Federal/non-Federal planning process for a major pumped storage project. It...

Evaluation of a Pump-Storage Hydropower Facility
This paper summarizes the findings of the evaluations conducted by faculty of the University of Missouri and outside consultants regarding the downstream effects of Harry S. Truman Dam...





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