DUNEBASE?Information Management System
DUNEBASE - an information management system designed to facilitate access to, and use of, large text information banks and data bases on geomorphology, human use, and vegetation of the...

Challenges Associated with Metriciation of the Nautical Chart
Under the Metric conversion Act of 1975, Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, and Executive Order 12770 of 1991 all federal agencies are required to convert to the international...

A Comparison of New Ocean Technologies and Ocean Space Utilization in the United States and Japan
Japan is currently engaged in the world's most active planning and promotional effort to develop new ocean uses and technologies. During the 1990s, dramatic increases in government spending...

Building Coalitions to Protect the Coast
There are myriad public and private organizations that share interests in coastal management. Until recently, these organizations had separate agendas and did not work together to promote...

Political Coalitions to Conserve Coastal Barriers
The Coastal Barrier Resources Act (CBRA) (P.L. 97-348) (16 U.S.C. 3501 et. seq.) has frequently been cited as a model Federal environmental statute. Despite this reputation, relatively...

Tideland Reclamation: Establishing a Permitting System for Taiwan
Tideland reclamation represents one of the most serious challenges facing coastal zone management in Taiwan. Due to limited living space on the island and the difficulty in obtaining land,...

The Evolution of the Federal Consistency Provisions: The Controversy Continues
The federal consistency provisions of the 1972 Coastal Zone Management Act have proven to be an important incentive for state development and implementation of coastal management programs....

Permit Enforcement, The Achilles Heel of Coastal Protection: Strategies for Effective Coastal Regulation
In 1976, the California State Legislature passed the California Coastal Act, one of the strongest pieces of environmental protection and land use control legislation in the nation for...

Environmental Education Program
This work originated from a proposal by the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). Oceanography Department, and Human Sciences and Social Integration Department of Colegio de Aplicacao-UERJ...

Motivating Factors Behind Environmental Activism: A Case Study of Beach Clean-up Participants
This study was initiated to investigate the motivating factors behind environmental activism. Participants in a Rhode Island beach clean-up were surveyed for information about their attitudes,...

Management of San Diego Bay Dredged Material Disposal
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts in the development and analysis of dredged material disposal from Navy projects within San Diego Bay. The impacts and mitigation for the alternatives...

Upland Reuse of Dredged Material as an Alternative to Aquatic Disposal: The Port of Oakland's Berch 30 Terminal Redevelopment, a Case Study
This paper examines the environmental and financial impacts associated with upland disposal of dredged material by discussing a recent Port of Oakland marine terminal redevelopment project....

Coordinating Toxic Cleanup with Future Site Utilization
The Port of Olympia owns a site where former industrial activity left a legacy of toxic contamination, and which is currently involved in a cleanup action. A waterfront site which was...

Beneficial Utilization and Wetland Creation from Dredge Spoil
The Louisiana Coastal Management Division monitored a federal navigation dredging project where half of the wetland disposal sites were constructed by non-traditional methods (partial...

Cooperation+Coordination=Synergy?Hawaii's Key to Success
This paper describes the Hawaiian Islands experience - how coordination and interagency cooperation has fostered synergy in their efforts to conserve, enhance and sustain natural resources...

A Review of the Hawaii Environmental Impact Assessment Process
This paper reports on the review of Hawaii's environmental impact assessment process undertaken by the University of Hawaii Environmental Center. The purpose of the review was to: 1) Examine...

Offshore Mining Regulatory Processes?A Case Study
This is a case study of the process used in permitting the Nome Offshore Placer Project (NOPP), a gold mining project offshore Nome, Alaska, which operated from 1985 through 1990. The...

The Pacific Island Network
The United States has many years of experience and expertise in the management of marine and coastal resources. However, the responsibility for marine and coastal resource management is...

Partnerships Strengthen Watershed Management
In reaching across political and institutional boundaries to manage nonpoint source (nps) programs, agencies are recognizing the need for strong communication, coordination and planning....

Minerals Management and Conflict Resolution
Development of hydrocarbon and mineral resources in Federal waters along the Pacific coast of the United States has been a controversial issue for years. The Minerals Management Service...





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