Induced Subsidence: Environmental and Legal Implications
Subsidence of coastal areas can be induced by withdrawal of fluids from shallow, unconsolidated horizons beneath the shore zone. In southern California, Huntington Beach, Torrance/Redondo...

Beach Politics?The Importance of Informed, Local Support for Beach Restoration Projects
The increasing utilization of our coastal areas by people and the development attendant to it have resulted in attempts to maintain or stabilize shorelines. In this paper the author emphasizes...

Public Involvement in Coastal Planning?The Long Beach Experience
A land use plan is often the creation of a professional planning staff prepared in response to the direction of public officials. When the City of Long Beach, California, was required...

The Dispersion of Ocean Outfall Plumes: Physical and Biological Dynamics
The discharge of municipal wastewater into the coastal ocean through large ocean outfalls is an important component in managing sewage wastes generated by heavily populated urban areas...

Moored Systems for Time Series Observations of Bio-optical and Physical Variability in the Coastal Ocean
Recently, multivariable moored systems (MVMS) have been developed to study the ecology and physics of the upper ocean. Concurrent MVMS measurements provide time series of beam attenuation...

Measurements of Nutrient and Metal Fluxes from the Sea Floor in the Area Around the Whites Point Sewage Outfall, Los Angeles, California
Studies are underway to determine the influence of sewage outfall-impacted sediment on the exchange of nutrients and trace metals in the coastal marine environment. Utilizing a benthic...

Regional Monitoring in Southern California
Increasing concern about larger-scale, longer-term, and cumulative environmental effects has outstripped the ability of traditional point-source monitoring programs to provide useful information....

Mixing and Dispersion Processes in the Vicinity of an Ocean Outfall System in Southern California
Ocean wastewater plumes are important for the disposal of municipal wastes in Southern California. These plumes, which are discharged from sanitation systems, can be distinguished in the...

How Has the Joint Review Process Evolved?
The Joint Review Panel (JRP) process in California was established for offshore oil and gas-related coastal development projects to avoid duplication of effort among various permitting...

Offshore Oil Terminals?Potential Role in U.S. Petroleum Distribution
The construction of port facilities in deep water, several miles seaward from the nations's coastline, is one of the measures that have been suggested for reducing oil tanker...

Pumping In and Pumping Out: Case Histories of Fluidized Sand Bypassing for Channels and Beachface Dewatering for Beaches
New technologies can change management of sand in coastal areas. Fluidization, pumping in additional water beyond the quicksand point, makes a 50:50 sand-water slurry that will flow down...

Shore Protection Construction Along the California Coast
Severe beach, cliff and bluff erosion is occurring along the urban communities on the 1800 miles of ocean, bay and estuarine shoreline of California. This report is an overview of the...

Beach Erosion in Florida: A Challenge for Planning and Management
A substantial portion of the sandy beach shoreline in Florida is considered to be 'critically' eroding. 'Critical' erosion, as used...

Radical Environmentalism, The New Approach: The Removal of Oil as a Primary Goal of Oil Spill Clean Up
In this paper the author examines the alternative methods of abating a catastrophic oil spill and compares these methods to the controlled burning of an oil spill using a fire-resistant...

The Use of Computer Mapping to Establish Historical Erosion Rates and Coastal Cosntruction Setbacks in New Jersey
New Jersey's Rules on Coastal Zone Management define coastal policies which guide public decisions about significant proposed development and management of resources of New Jersey's coastal...

Aerial Videotape Mapping of Coastal Geomorphic Changes
An aerial geomorphic mapping system was developed to examine the spatial and temporal variability in the coastal geomorphology of Louisiana. Between 1984 and 1990 eleven sequential annual...

Quantitative Mapping of Coastal Habitats and Natural Resource Distributions: Application to Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
Effective management of the coastal zone is dependent on the availability of accurate information on the distributions of natural resources in both time and space. However, comprehensive...

Classification System of Environmental Units for Land Use and Coastal Planning in Baja California, Mexico
The incidence of development on Baja California's coastal zone has produced an excessive demand on coastal resources with degradation of the environment and conflicts in land...

Golf Course Development Concerns in Coastal Zone Management
The rapid growth of golf course development in South Carolina's coastal zone presents new challenges in protecting coastal water and wetlands. While filling or dredging of...

The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force
The States/British Columbia Oil Spill Task Force, consisting of government representatives from Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, Oregon, and California, formed in 1989 in response...





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