Real Time Control of Combined Sewers
After an introduction on the scope of urban drainage and water pollution control problems static solution approaches are shortly described and their disadvantages are lined out. The potential...

Analysis of Reservoir Operations on the IBM-PC
The optimization of reservoir operations is a major economic concern. This paper contributes a computer software package, SPORO, written for the IBM-PC, for the stochastic optimization...

Implementation of a Micro-CADD System
Computer-aided-design-and-drafting (CADD) systems utilize computer technology to aid the engineer in his work. CADD systems are designed to process graphics with speed and accuracy to...

Computer Conferencing for Managers
The authors describe a computer conferencing/message system called Confer II currently being utilized by the US Army which they have implemented among dredging managers in the US Army...

Optimizing Computer Aided Planning
Computer aided planning may fail if new or untried computer programs or new equipment is used when time is limited. Eleven leadership skills helped the Utah Projects Office, US Bureau...

Computers: Water Resources Models in Latin America
Ninety-six national institutions dealing with planning, irrigation, water supply, and hydropower generation in twenty-six Latin American and Caribbean countries were surveyed between February...

Optimization of Looped Water Distribution Networks
The optimization algorithm developed by G. Quindry et al. can be used to obtain a least cost pipe network for a looped water distribution system. A solution is obtained under steady state...

Pipe Network Optimization by Enumeration
The paper describes a procedure for the optimization of pipe networks which is executed entirely in the discrete pipe size/cost domain. The technique is based on exhaustive enumeration....

Water Distribution Design with Multiple Demands
An iterative procedure for the layout and design of new looped water distribution systems is pesented. The procedure is also applicable to the expansion of existing systems. The approach...

A Review of Artificial Intelligence
This paper presents a brief history and overview of the field of artificial intelligence (AI), describes the architecture of an expert system, and discusses the logic procedures used in...

Data Base Management Principles
The rapid growth of computing power available in desktop micro and mini computers has placed at the disposal of individual scientists and engineers a very powerful set of tools designed...

Comupter-Aided Real-Time Reservoir Operation Methods
Over the years many mathematical models have been developed with potential application to computer-aided real-time reservoir operations. Only a few of these models have been practically...

Computerized Operation of California State Water Project
Hydraulic and electrical schedules for the California State Water Project are determined and dispatched from the Project Operation Control Center (POCC) in Sacramento. The dispatched schedules...

Successive Application of Reservoir Simulation Models--A Case Study
Replacement of the conventional method of generating hydrology by a well established reservoir simulation model renders enormous amounts of flexibility and savings in computation time....

Models for Lake and River Basin Analysis
This tutorial describes basic concepts, purposes and issues of mathematical models for lakes and river basins. Simulation and optimization models are discussed and their structure and...

Modeling Water Resources Systems for Water Quality
A reservoir system analysis computer model has been recently developed with the capability to simulate up to 10 reservoirs, 30 control points and 8 water quality parameters. With this...

OPNET: A Nonlinear Design Algorithm for Hydraulic Networks
The author has developed a general computer program OPNET to be used in the optimal design of hydraulic networks. The computer program can be used to optimize three basic variables; tank...

Catchment Response Models in the Computer Age
The paper deals with catchment response models and addresses the question - what do we know when we know a model? The history of catchment modelling over the last seventy five years is...

Microcomputer-Based Monthly Treatment Reporting
Massachusetts wastewater treatment plants must file monthly operating reports with the Massachusetts Division of Water Pollution Control. A microcomputer-based monthly reporting system...

Real-Time Reservoir Operations by Quadratic Programming
A quadratic programming model is developed for real-time reservoir operations. It is assumed that convex penalty functions that relates the deviations of storage levels and downstream...





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