Earthquake Considerations in Earth Dam Design
In 1963, the writer was engaged by the State of California Department of Water Resources to make a study of the influence of the hazard of earthquakes on the design of embankment type...

Piping in Earth Dams of Dispersive Clay (Paper introduced by Norman L. Ryker)
In 1971 Jim Sherard was engaged to investigate the common failure of a group of Soil Conservation Service (SCS) floodwater retarding earthfill dams built between 1957 and 1970, eleven...

Risk Analysis in Water Resources Engineering: Development and Application
Traditional engineering approaches for evaluating safety and performance in technical projects are usually based on conceptual modeling and the application of engineering standards. Risk...

Risk Assessment or Engineering Standards: Toward a Decision Framework
The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) publishes manuals, some of which include rules to be followed in the planning of a water resources project. Some of their other manuals simply suggest...

Climatic Change and Ensuing Risks Facing Water Resources Managers
Global climatic changes will have a significant effect on the utilization of regional water resources and will influence markedly the operation and management of water storage and delivery...

Responding to Public Opinion About Cumulative Long-Term Risks: Analysis and Communication of Risks from Climate Change and Hazardous Waste Sites
Public reactions to cumulative, uncertain, and long-term (CULT) risks pose particular problems to risk communicators. Low-magnitude and low-probability risks (e.g., living next to a hazardous...

Overview of AWARE: A Software Tool for Balancing Power and Nonpower Values in Water Resource Planning
Decision Focus Incorporated has developed a software tool for the Electric Power Research Institute to help utilities and other water resource planners examine the social trade-offs between...

The Monitoring of Water Conservation Behavior and Attitudes in Southern California
Seldom are the effects of public information programs monitored and analyzed in a sound, systematic manner. Information on the impact of investments in public information programs is essential:...

An Innovative Institutional Arrangement Which Incorporates the Risk Preferences of Water Users
An innovative institutional arrangement that incorporates the risk preferences of water users is being refined in Australia. It is especially relevant for river and reservoir management...

The Role of Risk Analysis in Feasibility Studies of Water Resources Projects
Many parameters involved in feasibility studies of water resources projects are inherently uncertain. Projections of these parameters based upon extension of past trends can be quite inaccurate....

Soil/Structure Seismic Investigation of Safety-Related Structures
This paper promotes an improved understanding of the type of earthquake motions felt at V.C. Summery, Perry and Krsko nuclear power plants. An analytical investigation is performed to...

Nonlinear Diffraction of Random Waves by a Vertical Cylinder
In this study, nonlinear diffraction of random waves by a vertical uniform circular cylinder in deep water is analyzed. The incident wave field is represented by a stationary random process,...

Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Drainage
Research has shown that improved drainage increases peak runoff rates and pollutant loads compared to natural conditions. However improved drainage on agricultural lands may reduce outflow...

Engineering of Controlled-Drainage Systems
Soil-water management by water table control (via a dual purpose subdrainage-subirrigation system) is becoming popular in humid regions of the U.S. and Canada. Controlled-drainage is an...

Tapping Shallow Groundwater with Horizontal Wells
In recent years, horizontal wells have become an economical water supply source alternative for many shallow water table areas in Florida. Horizontal wells typically utilize 15 to 20 cm...

Degradation of Ground Water by Tetrachloroethylene
Ground water from many municipal water wells in California has been degraded by tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at concentrations above the drinking water standard. Investigations conducted...

Wellfield Protection Program in Broward County, Florida
The Potable Water Wellfield Protection Program was initiated early in 1981. It examined land uses in the County, made an inventory of potential ground water pollution sources, compiled...

Case Study: Design of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Systems
This paper demonstrates the fundamental aspects of the design an implementation of state-of-the-art groundwater monitoring system, using conventional design principles. Based on experiences...

Use of D-C Resistivity to Map Saline Ground Water
It has been estimated in previous studies that 23 square miles of the Oxnard aquifer, a member of a multi-layered aquifer system beneath the Oxnard plain in Ventura County, California,...

Principles of Ground-Water Protection
Successful wellhead protection activities depend on a thorough knowledge of the ground-water flow system and an understanding of how contaminants migrate through geologic formations. Once...





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