Fish Bypass System Mathematical Models
Mathematical models for fish diversion systems based on fish behavior in conjunction with diversion system structural and hydraulic properties are developed. Guidance efficiency is described...

Turbines and Pump Turbines for Ultra High Heads
The paper describes the turbine development in Norway as background for high head turbine technology and shows a typical Norwegian high head Francis as an example. High head reversible...

Description and Evaluation of Program: CARIMA
The CARIMA code simulates unsteady free-surface flow in simple or multiply connected systems of rivers or canals. The simulation uses the Preissmann implicit finite-difference method for...

Field Application of Transient and Steady-State Canal Models in Thailand
A transient (unsteady) flow model for simulating the hydraulics in irrigation canal networks was developed and tested in Thailand. A steady-state hydraulic model was subsequently developed...

Numerical Methods for Simulating Debris Blockage Failures and Mudflows
This paper presents the procedures and results from an investigation to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of mudflow events resulting from hypothetical failures of a debris blockage...

Irrigation Delivery Design with Parameter and Objective Uncertainty
This paper investigates the effects of uncertainty in the design of hydraulic structures in an open-channel system for irrigation water delivery. Uncertainty due to ambiguity in the values...

The NPUSM (Narmada) Model for Modeling Canal Flows
The NPUSM computer program was developed for the analysis of unsteady flows in canals with various types of canal structures to evaluate the Narmada Canal system in Gujarat, India. The...

Discharge Forecast of Underground Tunnel System
An underground tunnel system can be discribed with linear system theory and its mathematical model can be made up according to its recharge and discharge conditions. But, because of so...

Evaluation of the FASTCHEM Model for Predicting Leachate Attenuation at Fossil Power Plants
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has applied the model FASTCHEM to identify retardation mechanisms and predict solute transport at two fossil power plants. FASTCHEM (acronym for fly...

Application of Stable Channel Design Method
Systematic stable channel design methods are currently being developed by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station for use in the planning stages of local flood control projects....

Hydraulic Aspects of Grade Control Structures
This paper describes the function of grade control structures. The primary purpose of a grade control structure is to maintain or establish a desired bed elevation in a channel. Basically...

Relationship Between Scour Depth and Bend Radius of Curvature on the Red River
Studies of bank and bend processes were undertaken on the Red River between Index, Arkansas and Shreveport, Louisiana in connection with the navigation project on the river downstream...

Riprap Design Criteria for the ARS Low Drop Structure
The ARS low drop grade control structure has proven to be an effective means to stabilize incised channels in Mississippi. However, field inspections and laboratory testing have indicated...

Operational Procedures for Estimating Bottom Exchange Rates
After briefly reviewing the terminology of the various bottom and water column exchange fluxes, the body of this paper summarizes five possible procedures for establishing operational...

Overtopping Protection for A. R. Bowman Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam is a 245-foot-high (74.7-m) central-core rockfill dam located on the Crooked River in central Oregon. The probable maximum flood (PMF) would overtop the dam by 20...

Design of Groins on the Middle Rio Grande
The Albuquerque Projects Office of the Bureau of Reclamation wanted to use groins in place of revetments at two sites on the Rio Grande. The Bureau of Reclamation has limited experience...

Submerged Vane Projects for Bank Stabilization and Sedimentation Management
Submerged vanes are small flow training devices placed in a stream to eliminate or create secondary currents to direct sediment in a controlled fashion. In recent years submerged vanes...

Hydraulic Features of Flexible Curtains Used for Selective Withdrawal
Flexible curtain barriers are being investigated as a way to modify power penstock intakes to achieve selective withdrawal. The curtain barrier controls the elevation from which water...

Bridge Inspections Related to Bridge Scour
The failure of the Silver Bridge over the Ohio River in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, on December 15, 1967 resulted in the establishment of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS)...

Bridge Scour and Stream Instability Countermeasures
Stream instability is characterized by lateral or vertical instability. Such instability has led to the failure of bridges and loss of life. Lateral instability is caused by lateral migration...





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