Geotechnical Research Needs
A National Science Foundation-ASCE workshop on research needs looked at, among other subfields, geotechnical engineering. The study identified a number of research needs�based on society's...

New Uses For Soil-Cement
Since 1961, the use of soil-cement in energy and water resource projects has increased from 51,000 yd� to over 9,100,000 yd�. Its primary applications are erosion protection and seepage...

Synthetic Fabrics for Reinforced Embankments
Non-woven permeable synthetic fabrics have been used in engineering applications for the last ten years. Considerable research has been conducted throughout the world since the first geotechnical...

Stopping Water with Chemical Grout
New chemical grouts are now available to repair sewer leaks, control groundwater movement, and stabilize incompetent soils. Some of these grouts came into being only after the American...

Drilled Piers and Caissons
Drilled piers, also called drilled caissons, drilled shafts, bored piles, and cast-in-situ piles, have recently undergone a period of growth in their use as foundation bearing elements,...

Limit Equilibrium, Plasticity and General Stress-Strain in Geotechnical Engineering
Papers and discussions from the workshop on limit equilibrium, plasticity, and generalized stress-strain in geotechnical engineering are presented. The papers address aspects of the problems...

Cone Penetration Testing and Experience
Experiences and advances in cone penetration testing are reviewed in these papers presented in a technical session at the National Convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

Dynamic Response of Pile Foundations
Analytical Aspects
Recent developments in the analytical solutions and relevant measurements regarding pile foundations are examined. Pile foundations for both onshore and offshore structures are covered,...

Expansive Soils
Fifty-two papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Expansive Soils are included; conference panel and open discussions are summarized. Engineers often predict anticipated...

The Planning and Engineering Interface with a Modernized Land Data System
Concern for the modernization of our land records and land resources information systems has been evolving since the early 1960's. Geographic location is the common denominator linking...

Symposium on Deep Foundations
Twenty-six case histories on the design, installation and performance of deep foundations are included. The emphasis is on testing and field data. Deep foundations are explored in cretaceous...

Top Foreign-Born Civil Engineers Speak Their Minds
Six distinguished civil engineers born and educated abroad discuss their careers and explore: the differences in the civil engineering marketplace and in the public image of the CE here...

Some Secrets to Building Structures on Expansive Soils
Each year, in the U.S. alone, shrinking or swelling soils inflict over $ 2.3 billion in damages to houses, buildings, roads, pipelines, and other structures. Despite this many engineers...

Symposium on Watershed Management 1980
Making Watershed Management Work is the theme of the 1980 Symposium of the ASCE Watershed Management Committee, Irrigation and Drainage Division. In response to this theme, the papers...

101 Uses for Earth Reinforcement
A mini-symposium on earth reinforcement held at the April 1978 ASCE national convention attracted participants from around the world; symposium papers form the basis of this paper. Methods...

Sand to Sandstone: Foundation Strengthening with Chemical Grout
A large school in San Francisco, built in 1930, was in need of structural rehabilitation to eliminate earthquake hazards. Founded on loose, windblown fine sand, the footings were subject...

Steel Plate Shear Walls Resist Lateral Load, Cut Costs
Two new buildings have a seldom-used stiffening system�� steel plate shear walls. Reasons for using them, rather than reinforced concrete shear walls or steel or concrete rigid frames,...

Land-Use Planning: Grows More Exact with the Help of USGS
The U.S. Geological Survey has turned its considerable talents and resources towards providing earth-science information for urban planners and, consequently, developers. This article...

Industry Upgrades Technician Training
Here is one example where regulations were imposed by industry�voluntarily. The Washington Area Council of Engineering Laboratories, Inc., developed a program to certify technicians testing...

New Use for Filter Fabric: Highway Construction
A growing area of filter fabric use is road construction, both secondary and superhighway. The article focuses on one case history in Cambridge, Maryland where, after a one-year test,...





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