Morphology of the Wadden Sea Natural Processes and Human Interference
The Wadden Sea can be subdivided in three morphodynamic units: the tidal flats, the inlets and the barrier islands. The deeply incised tidal inlets are the most active of these units;...

Long Term Wave Statistics
Long term wave statistics are needed for many applications in coastal engineering and oceanography in the southern North Sea. Three sources of wave data are available: visual observations,...

Factors Responsible for Varying Granulometric Characteristics of Sediments from the Western Nigeria Coastline
The western Nigeria coastline stretches from Badagry in the west (Longitude 5?00'00E), covering a distance of about 275km. Two major geomorphic coastal units are recognized along this...

Coastal Zone Management in Accra, Ghana
The coastal zone of the capital city of Ghana, Accra, is facing a critical stage in its evolution. In the newt 20 years, the population is expected to more than double from the presently...

Coastal and Sand Spit Evolution from 1958 to 1992: Saloum River Mouth (Senegal, West Africa)
From the bathymetric map made in 1958 with the Marine Hydrographical Service in France (Number 6147), the 1976 Landsat imagery, the 1981 SPOT simulations, the 1991 SPOT data and the field...

A Wave-Energy Dissipation Structure for Shore Protection and Beach Generation, Recovery, and Stabilization
WAVEBLOCK a steel reinforced concrete modularized structure designed to dissipate the energy of saline and freshwater waves is described. The modularized structure, which weighs upwards...

The Magdalen Islands, Gulf of Saint Lawrence
The Magdalen Islands constitute the largest barrier-island system in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. They represent 435 km of coasts at the 1:50 000 scale, two-thirds of which are sandy and...

Evolution of the Santee/Pee Dee Delta Complex, South Carolina, USA
The Santee/Pee Dee delta is located on the north-central portion of the lower coastal plain physiographic province of south carolina, USA, which is underlain by pleistocene strand plain...

Development of the Long Caisson Type Vertical Breakwater
The width of the caisson of a breakwater is calculated based mainly on the wave force expected to act on the caisson. IN this calculation, the assumed wave force is the peak wave force...

Infiltration in Two Sand Dune Areas in Saudi Arabia
Field infiltration experiments at several locations in two sand dune areas in Saudi Arabia were conducted. Results of these field tests are compared with predictions of the Green and Ampt...

Hydrologic Modelling of Extreme Flood on Small Mountainous Watersheds
Statistical and deterministic methods for extreme flood estimation were applied to Swiss alpine catchments to assess the application limits of each approach. Comparative results produced...

Manning's n From Experiments with Rainfall-Runoff on Portland Cement Concrete Surfaces
Experiments were conducted under artificial rainfall on Portland cement concrete (PCC) surfaces with variable mean texture depths (MTD) and slopes (S). Rain rates were varied up to 3 in/hr...

Total Sediment Loads of Tropical Rivers
Unmeasured and total sediment discharges were computed for 107 sets of data from the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers and their major tributaries. Unmeasured loads were generally small except...

Dune Profiles Before and After Storm Events in Coastal Massachusetts
It is well known that short-term changes in dune profiles can have a major effect on the severity of storm damage to coastal areas. In light of this, the standardized methodology developed...

A Model for Low-Drag Landslides
Field observations and experimental records indicate that the primary mode of motion of many large landslides is that of sliding rather than flowing. Most of the shear during sliding is...

Protecting the Boca Raton Outfall Before and After Hurricane Andrew
A critical factor for the success of an ocean outfall is its ability to remain intact and functional for many decades of service, despite extreme episodes of wave attack and beach erosion....

Mechanics of Riprap Movement in Tidal Flow
This analysis emphasizes the need to obtain data on the size and shape of riprap pieces as a function of movement, data which are surprisingly difficult to obtain from published studies....

Flow and Scour Near an Abutment
Laboratory experiments were used in conjunction with a two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical flow model, RBFVM-2D, to investigate the relationship between flow velocity distribution...

Criticality of Density Intrusions
Previous analyses of density intrusions indicates that a steady interface cannot be maintained if the front propagates at a speed greater than that of long interfacial waves. Supercritical...

Mixing Characteristics of a Transitional Stratified Two-Layer Flow
Small scale structures in a stably stratified two-layer flow are investigated. The flow configuration has the initial velocity interface displaced with respect to the density interface....





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