Upper Mississippi River System Environmental Management Program (EMP)
Introduction The Upper Mississippi River Navigation System (UMRNS) is one of the largest Public Works projects existing within the continental United States of America. The system, which...

Environmental Restoration Measures on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (TENN-TOM)
The Tenn-Tom, opened to navigation traffic in 1985, was designed and constructed to promote environmentally sustainable development. During the past ten years, the original measures have...

Channel Restoration of Incising, Mixed Grain Size Streams: Lessons Learned
Aquatic habitat restoration in incising sand and gravel bed streams disturbed by channelization and other human interventions has received little study. These channel systems are characterized...

Stream Instability in Loess Base Channels
The incision of bess base stream channels is a common and destructive response to alterations within a watershed in the midwest. Monitoring and evaluating procedures are being performed...

Restoration of Abandoned Meanders on the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee
The Middle Fork Forked Deer River in western Tennessee historically had a sinuous course within a wide floodplain. In the early 1900's, local interests dug large straight...

Impacts of Climate Change in the Missouri River Basin
The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is being used as a base model to simulate the Missouri River basin for prediction of the impacts of climate change on water resources in the region....

Flood Damage Estimates Using GIS Spatial Analysis
The catastrophic flooding in the midwest during the Summer of 1993 and in California in the Spring of 1995 resulted in flood damage estimates in the hundreds of millions to billions of...

Water Balance of the Niger Basin
A map-based method is used to construct a monthly water balance model of the 2.3 million km Niger River basin in West Africa. The watersheds and stream network within the basin are derived...

Channel Restoration Project along Toby Creek
Creek banks within Mecklenburg County, NC, are eroding, producing excessive quantities of sediment in the creek and causing bank instability. Seeking innovative approaches to these problems,...

Reclaiming Denver's Central South Platte River
The South Platte River reaches from the 14,000 foot peaks west of Denver more than 300 miles east to its confluence with the North Platte River at North Platte, Nebraska. As the South...

South Platte River Restoration through Maintenance
This paper describes the use of restorative maintenance activities by the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District to clean up, stabilize and restore river banks and grade along the South...

Synchronized Measurements of Bed-Shear Stress and Flow Velocity in Open Channels with Simulated Vegetation
Synchronized measurements of shear stresses at the bed and velocities both within and above a simulated plant canopy in an open-channel flow are presented. Traditional (hot-film sensors)...

Two Dimensional Modeling of the Mobile River Delta and the Mobile Bay System
Two dimensional hydraulic modeling of Mobile Bay and the Mobile River Delta was conducted to determine critical hydraulic conditions for scour evaluations at bridges in the Mobile Bay...

Estimation of High Spring Floods Causing Inundation in Non-Studied Rivers of the West Siberian Plain
Spring flooding is the main and the most abounding in water period in flow regime of West Siberian rivers. As a result, there is powerful and wide inundation on relief of West Siberia....

HEC-RAS (River Analysis System)
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...

Propeller Wash Induced Erosion at Quay Walls
The characteristics are examined of the sea bed erosion produced by the scouring action of a ship's propeller wash acting against a quay wall. The rate of development of erosion...

Fish Passage Pool Bedding Analysis
Anadromous fish passages, stream dynamics and the artifical channel segmented into a natural stream should fttnction seamlessly. This paper intends to develop reasonable procedures a designer...

The Influence of Peak-Regulation of the Three Gorges Power Plant on Navigation
The paper studies the unsteady flow resulted from peak-regulation by daily regulation at both Three Gorges and Gezhouba Power Plants and concludes that the river section between the dam...

Assessment of Risks of Flooding by Use of a Two-Dimensional Model
In case of rare floods, the rivers might go far away from their minor bed, submerging large areas, eventually with relatively high velocities. One-dimensional models are not suitable to...

Flood Risk Management: New Concepts for an Objective Negotiation
It has been tested in a real situation like the Bourbre catch ment, a Rhone tributary in the Isere department, not far from Lyon (France). This catchment is 700 km large, the river is...





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