Overview of Space Environmental Effects
The natural environment for low Earth orbit subjects satellites to various forms of damage, ranging from particulate impacts, ultraviolet light, atomic oxygen erosion and charged particle...

Helium-3 on the Moon: Model Assumptions and Abundances
Solar-wind particles are present in the outer few 100 angstroms of each soil particle of the Moon. Of particular interest, are the volatiles hydrogen (40-100 ppm) and helium (5-45 ppm)....

JSC-1: A New Lunar Soil Simulant
A new lunar soil simulant, JSC-1, has been developed and characterized under the auspices of the NASA Johnson Space Center. This simulant was produced in large quantities to satisfy the...

Statistical Response of a Class of Hysteretic Systems
The response of a hysteretic nonlinear system subjected to a filtered white noise is considered. The method of time-dependent equivalent linearization is used and the moment equations...

Assessing Effects for Disposal Sites off San Francisco
A simple particle tracking model has been used to estimate the size of deposition footprints and transient turbidity effects in the water column resulting from disposal of dredged material...

Modeling of Deep Water Outfall Plumes in the East Australian Coastal Ocean
The paper reports on the modeling study of deep water outfall plumes in the east Australian coastal ocean. The primary aims of the modeling were to provide estimates of plume condition...

Nowcast System Development for the Straits of Florida
As part of the inaugural program for the Ocean Pollution Research Center at the University of Miami, a nowcast system is being developed for the Straits of Florida. The nowcast system...

Effects of Flocculation on Particle Transport
On the basis of previous experimental and theoretical work on flocculation rates and the settling speeds of flocs, an accurate and computationally efficient model of the aggregation and...

East River Modeling of Water Quality for Multiple-Project Assessments
The East River Model (ERM), which employs the RMA-2V hydrodynamic and RMA-4 water quality modeling code, was used by Lawler, Matusky & Skelly Engineers to assess water quality...

Comparison of Eulerian-Lagrangian, Random Walk and Hybrid Methods of Modeling Pollutant Transport
An Eulerian-Lagrangian, a random walk, and a hybrid model were compared in terms of their accuracy and efficiency in simulating two-dimensional pollutant transport. Computer experiments...

Application of WQMAP to Upper Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island
WQMAP is a PC-based water quality analysis tool linking numerical models and environmental data with a geographic information and display system. For this application the model set consisted...

Picturing Pollution
Kevin G. Coulton is a professional engineer and photographer who sees in the iridescent sheen of an oil slick on a rainy street a novel way to increase public awareness of water pollution...

Restoring the Everglades
Are constructed wetlands an effective management strategy for restoring and protecting the Everglades from phosphorus over-enrichment caused by agricultural stormwater runoff? The $13.85...

Rehabbing for Remediation
Workers for Moses Lake detected trichloroethylene (TCE) in three of the city's water wells. The concentrations were low, around 5 to 15 parts per billion, just above the maximum...

Second Order Directional Wave Kinematics in Shallow Water
A theory numerical procedure were developed earlier to represent a real sea by the sum of many linear and second order directional wave components. Earlier publications showed that including...

A Method for Locating Spikes in a Measured Time Series
Raw directional wave sample time series are frequently contaminated with spikes from various sources. The standard procedure in correctly editing these time series includes locating and...

Bio-Remediation of Simulated Fire Training Facility
A leaking aviation fuel underground storage tank system utilized for fire fighting training at the Will Rogers World Airport was removed by Oklahoma City Department of airports personnel....

Airports and Air Quality Issues - the European Perspective
This paper presents a detailed review of air quality studies at European Airports since 1986. It also provides a brief analysis of the air quality section of a recent ACI (Europe) environmental...

Removal Of Chromium From Groundwater Using Permeable Barriers: An Aquifer Simulation Study
Previous efforts to remediate groundwater contaminated by chromium-bearing industrial wastes have involved post-extraction methods, whereby groundwater is pumped to the surface treated...

Dry Weather Stormwater Management - Yakima, WA
The city of Yakima recently completed a Comprehensive Stromwater Management plan to: 1) assess current and projected local runoff quality and 2) develop strategies to improve receiving...





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