Emerging Applications of Water Valuation
This paper identifies the emerging importance of the water value concept through a number of applications. These emerging applications include natural resource damage assessment, water...

A Coastal Zone Management Strategy for the Sultanate of Oman
As a further response to the pressures of development, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has contracted the International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)...

Secretary of Interior v. California
The issue of whether Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lease sales were subject to consistency review under section 307(c) (1) of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was the focus of litigation...

Appraisal of Resources in the Saudi Arabian Gulf
The Kingdom's Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA) has commissioned a major study of the natural resources, as well as an appraisal of coastal zone...

Washington State Department of Ecology: Wetlands Program
The State of Washington Department of Ecology is in its third year of implementation of a comprehensive, multi-faceted program to facilitate informed wetlands management. This program...

Evaluating LNG As a Fuel for Diesel Shrimp Boats
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is being evaluated as a viable fuel for diesel engines. A shrimp boat is being used to evaluate the LNG system. LNG has an economic advantage to diesel fuel;...

Promoting Integrative Approaches to the Management of Coastal Resources within the ASEAN Region
The paper discusses the need to examine alternative means to manage coastal resources within the Association of South East Asian Nations region (ASEAN). One approach, regional development...

Texas Coastal Mitigation: A Planning Approach
The Texas General Land Office manages 3. 5 million acres of submerged state-owned land in the bays and Gulf of Mexico. In granting permits, the agency always attempts to prevent damage...

A New Approach to Watershed Planning
Public and government concern over possible degradation of water quality and natural resources in the Hood Canal estuary has led to the creation of a unique intergovernment body, the Hood...

Virginia's CZM Program
In September 1986, Virginia received federal approval of its coastal resources management plan. The plan utilizes a 'network' of existing regulatory programs...

Optimum State Strategies Regarding Oil and Gas Exploration and Development on the Outer Continental Shelf
In anticipation of the federal oil and gas lease initiative, the Washington Department of Ecology selected the consulting firm Cogan, Sharpe, Cogan of Portland, Oregon to conduct an OCS...

Sensitive Area Assessment on Canada's Frontier Lands
Sensitive area assessment (SAA) has a role in environmental impact assessment and as a resource management tool for oil and gas activities on Canada's frontier lands, onshore...

A Comparative Assessment of Coastal Area Management Initiatives in Latin America
This paper provides five criteria for comparing the nineteen coastal countries within Latin America in terms that are relevant to the management of coastal resources or environments. The...

The Bering Sea Maritime Delimitation Dispute
A treaty forged in friendship is now the subject of dispute between two rival superpowers. The 1867 Convention Treaty in which Russia ceded Northwestern America to the United States for...

The Role of Marine Parks Management in the Conservation of Philippine Coastal Resources
The government, recognizing the need to conserve coastal resources, created in 1977 the Marine Park Inter-Agency Task Force to prepare and supervise the implementation of a master plan...

The International Network: A Solution for Marine Protected Area Management
The Marine and Estuarine Management Division in cooperation with the U. S. Man and the Biosphere Program and other international organizations sponsored the International Marine Protected...

Developing Findings of Fact for a Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness Plan for the City of Waldport/Alsea Bay Area, Lincoln County, Oregon
Marine erosion attributed to the effects of the 1983 El Nino resulted in the loss of the distal tip of Alsea Spit in 1985 enlarging Alsea Bay inlet by 300% and subjecting the City of Waldport...

A Primer on Permit Conditioning
The use, development, and protection of coastal, ocean, and marine resources is highly dependent on the various permits issued by local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Thousands...

The Massachusetts CZM Project Review Process
In 1978 the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program (MCZMP) became the first CZM program on the East Coast to be approved by the U. S. Department of Commerce and is now in its ninth...

Developing Oceanfront Hotels on Built-Up Coasts: Resolving Public Access, Natural Hazards, and Community Character Conflicts
In the mid 1980s, a resurgence of hotel development took place along the oceanfront of the northern shore of New Jersey, a 35 mile reach of barrier spits and headlands intensely developed...





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