Effective Management of Microcomputer Resources
In recent years the number of microcomputers in the workplace has boomed. This has allowed the user to develop his own applications, but problems with decentralization, data security,...

Seattle Metro?A Transit Property's Experience with Microcomputers
The Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle's (Metro) first involvement with microcomputers started during the third quarter of 1981 when IBM announced their personal computer...

Managing the Move to Microcomputers
A method is offered for making a rational plan for acquisition of hardware and software. Other items are discussed which need to be considered, including maintenance, training, communications,...

Applications and Potential of Micro-computer Aided Instruction
The capabilities of computers for intense interaction and cost effective storage of reference material suggest that computer aided instruction (CAI) may have substantial potential for...

Microcomputers in Transportation Education and Training
Microcomputer methods for transportation planning, engineering, and management are changing transportation education in universities and training programs for professionals. This paper...

Future Support Center Policy
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has a strong tradition of providing technology transfer and technical assistance to State and local agencies in all areas of transportation engineering...

Accounting System Installations
In a bus parts inventory, the interface which is important to automate is not the interface with the accounting system but the interface with the work order system. Therefore, parts inventory...

Highway Safety Design Communications
This paper gives an examination of problems and prospects of incorporating more current highway safety knowledge into the design process through promising communication linkages between...

Contracting for Software
Custom programs are very expensive; risks are high. The quality of software depends on how well the buyer can define his needs. A checklist is presented for those considering to have their...

Probabilistic Mechanics and Structural Reliability
Computing in civil engineering has gone through serious adjustments in recent years. With the advent of computer-aided design and drafting systems (CAD) and microcomputers, computing capability...

The Individual Attitude: Its Impact on Financial Success
Individual engineers often have personalities and interests substantially different from those traits that support the financial success of a project. An engineer's inherent...

Coal Terminal
The Charleston Shipyard River Coal Terminal was constructed by converting a port-side chemical plant at a third of the cost of equivalent major coal terminals. A staged program for the...

Sodium Concrete Reaction ? Structural Considerations
An overview of the sodium concrete reaction phenomenon, with emphasis on structural considerations, is presented. Available test results for limestone, basalt, and magnetite concrete with...

Project Management for Company Growth and Success
Many skills are not included in the technical training of an engineer; thus, it is not surprising that technical managers may not be good project managers. Activities outside one's...

Managing Today's Craftsmen
Labor is better than it was in the past, and managers must adopt new techniques in the quest for productivity improvement. Management's responsibility has six parts: (1) Be...

The Need for Training in the Dredging Industry
Training is very important in those cases where the skill of personnel is not adequate to make optimal use of dredging equipment. This holds for management staff as well as for operating...

Management Planning for Survival and Growth
Essential factors in company growth are the identification of client needs and wants and recognition of the needs and constraints of the organization. Successes are generated by timely,...

Checking Out Computer Programs
Instead of reading through program listings, the authors propose that you check out computer programs by acquiring and evaluating the program's user documentation, evaluating...

Inspecting Buildings During Construction: Are We Doing a Good Enough Job?
Everyone agrees that inspecting buildings during their construction is important�and that it could be done a lot better than in the past. Suggestions for improving inspection practice...

Computers: The Ins and Outs of the Purchasing Contract
When purchasing computers and computer graphic systems there are 13 areas in the purchasing contract that should be investigated. These include the agreement, specification, dates, inspection,...





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