Parameter Study of Stresses in Mass Concrete Using Two Fly Ash Mixtures
Finite-element modeling of the incremental construction procedure for mass concrete structures has been used to study the effects of three mechanical properties on thermal stresses. Material...

Ocean Energy Recovery
This proceeding of the International Conference on Ocean Energy Recovery held in Honolulu, Hawaii from November 28-30, 1989 consists of thirty-eight papers. These papers explore various...

Review of Composite Analysis Methods for High Temperature Applications
This paper addresses a number of unique problems encountered in the stress analysis of high temperature composite materials. The materials used as structures subjected to temperatures...

Chloride Diffusion Constant for Concretes
Reinforced concrete exposed to chloride ions rapidly deteriorates once the chloride concentration level exceeds the corrosion threshold limit. The diffusion of the chloride ion through...

Heath Building?Load Paths of an Underpinning
A case study of an underpinning is presented which, in principle, consists of the introduction of a transfer system in an existing building. The transfer system modifies the load paths...

Application of Field Proven Fine Bubble Membrane Aeration Technology
Fine bubble membrane diffusers represent a significant technological advancement in diffused aeration technology by providing the consistently high transfer efficiencies of fine bubble...

A Microcomputer Model for Integrated Analysis of Peaking Hydro in a Thermal System
An integrated approach to simulation of a hydro system called HYDROMOD has been developed and used to place a value on additional energy-limited peaking hydro capacity added to a major...

Production Scheduling Model for Hydro-Qu?bec
A deterministic optimization model is described which allows to schedule the production of a predominantly-hydroelectric power system. Demand and exogenous inflows are assumed known with...

Comprehensive Optimization Model for Hydroelectric Reservoir Operations
The Energy Management and Maintenance Analysis (EMMA) model is used to maximize net revenues to Manitoba Hydro considering the operation of hydroelectric and thermal generation, generation...

Meeting Environmental Commitments at Power Plants Using Real-Time Reservoir Scheduling
This paper describes two different real-time modeling systems that determine if scheduled hydro releases will affect meeting environmental commitments. The modeling system for John Sevier...

Weighted Finite Difference Method for Diffusive Transport
The purpose of the paper is to present an application of a new method to the two-dimensional, transient advective-diffusive transport in both turbulent flow of viscous fluid and seepage...

Convective Sedimentation from a Stable Turbid Layer
A set of experiments was conducted to test T Green's criterion for the existence of double-diffusive convective motions at an originally sharp, horizontal interface separating...

Compendium of International Ocean Energy Activities
This Compendium of International Ocean Energy Activites has been designed as a resource directory of ocean energy projects in the United States...

Greenhouse Effect on Estuarine Saltwater Intrusion
A report by the British Department of the Environment calls for research into the effect of a rise in world temperatures on sea levels. Model studies should investigate changes in the...

Global Climate Change?Implications for Large Water Resource Systems
Prospects of global climatic change resulting from the greenhouse effect are causing increasing concern. Predicted increases in average global temperatures are likely to be accompanied...

Effects of Climate Change on Watershed Runoff
This paper examines forecasts of changes in watershed runoff in the Delaware River basin that result from a range of predicted effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)...

Hydraulic Design Aspects of the Boston Outfall
The diffuser outfall under design for Boston must have the ability to be purged of seawater upon commissioning or following an accidental flow stoppage. The criteria governing the flushing...

Determining Hydro Project Dependable Capacity
Traditional techniques for estimating a hydro project's dependable capacity are of limited value when evaluating a hydro project in a thermal-based power system. For such...

Thermally Developed Blade Stresses and Cavitation Damage
Cavitation damage to the turbine runner blades, to the draft tube liner, and to the runner hub requires extensive welding repair. The traditional repair method is to gouge out the damaged...

Improvement of Dissolved Oxygen Levels at Shepaug Hydro Station
Discharge from Shepaug Dam in Connecticut fall below the state standard for dissolved oxygen in summer and early fall, because of thermal stratification of the upstream eutrophic reservoir....





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