An Assessment of Coupled Thermal-Hydrologic-Mechanical-Chemical Processes
A literature review was conducted to determine the state of knowledge available in the modeling of coupled thermal (T), hydrologic (H), mechanical (M), and chemical (C) processes relevant...

Geochemistry for High Level Waste: An International Comparison
This paper presents a brief summary of some of the recent and on going geochemical research related to the disposal of high level radioactive waste. For most categories of research (basic...

Experience in Modeling for Environmental Physics and Biogeochemistry
This report is a short review of the author's personal experience on phys.-math. and system-logical modeling of migration and transport processes (MTP) of radionuclides, trace-elements...

The Results of Near-Field Thermal and Mechanical Calculations of Thermal Loading Schemes
Two waste emplacement schemes, borehole and in-drift, are under evaluation as potential repository drift geometries for the Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Calculations were...

Investigation in 3-D of Stress Distribution in a Circular Tunnel and Vertical Emplacement Holes Due to Thermal and Overburden Loading in Tuff
Thermal stress and displacement analysis using two 3-D finite element models, one having a course mesh and one having a highly detailed mesh are presented. Results are compared to those...

Critical Stresses in Nuclear Waste Container Under Normal Handling Conditions
Critical stresses in the pintle, flat tophead, canister shell, the bottom plate and in the weldment of a high level nuclear waste canister are evaluated under a variety of static and dynamic...

An Object Oriented Relational Database for Assessing Radioactive Material Transport
EnviroView is an object oriented relational database used for inventory control and monitoring locations of radioactive and toxic materials. Visual images of local sites, building locations,...

Disposal of Defense Spent Fuel and HLW from the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
Acidic high-level radioactive waste (HLW) resulting from fuel reprocessing at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) for the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) has been solidified to...

Simulated Hanford Waste: A Study of Physical Properties, Gas Retention, and Gas Generation
This study helps to establish the physical and chemical processes responsible for the generation and retention of gases within high-level waste contained in Tank 101-SY on the Hanford...

Evaluation of Neutron Emission from Vitrified HLW Compositions
Neutron radiological hazards from vitrified HLW are important for handling and transportation - especially if the concept of separate storage of concentrated transuranics is adopted, as...

Use of Coupled Geochemical and Transport Calculations for Nuclear Waste Problems
The dissolution and migration of radionuclides from a final repository for radioactive waste is complex chemically. The dissolution and release rates depend on the chemistry and on advective...

Surface Complexation Model Prediction of Np and Pu Distribution Coefficients
Robust estimates of radionuclide sorption coefficients (Kd) are needed to estimate radionuclide retardation during ground-water transport from a...

??4U/??8U as a Ground-Water Tracer, SW Nevada-SE California
The 234U/238U ratio of uranium in oxidizing ground waters is potentially an excellent ground-water tracer...

Subsurface Transport of Radioactive Material Using Adaptive Finite Elements
A finite element method which utilizes mesh adaptation is used to calculate transient groundwater flow and pollutant transport. Mass lumping and reduced integration are employed to enhance...

A Galerkin Method for the Convection?Diffusion Equation Using Asymmetric Weighting Functions
A variation of the Petrov-Galerkin method of solution of a partial differential equation is presented in which the weight function applied to the time derivative term of a one-dimensional...

Evaluation of Borosilicate Glass as a High-Level Radioactive Waste Form
The choice of a borosilicate glass as a high-level nuclear waste form is evaluated base on observations of natural and artifical glass hydration and reaction, experimental results of glass...

The Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Volatility and Redox State of Simulated DWPF High-Level Nuclear Waste Glasses
Gamma-induced volatility of simulated DWPF high-level nuclear waste glasses is highly dependent upon the redox state of the glass. For oxidized glasses with an Fe2+/(Fe2+...

Hanford Ferrocyanide Reactivity: Effects of Other Tank Constituents
In this study simulated wastes were used to determine the effect of potential waste constituents on the reactivity and explosivity of Hanford ferrocyanide-bearing wastes. Test results...

Isotopic and Trace Element Variability in Altered and Unaltered Tuffs at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Reference stratigraphic sections near Yucca Mountain, Nevada were established and sampled in outcrop areas where the volcanic rocks have been minimally altered. Isotopic and trace element...

Lead Isotopic Composition of Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic Marine Carbonate Rocks in the Vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Paleozoic and Late Proterozoic marine carbonate rocks (limestones, dolomites, and their metamorphic equivalents) cropping out in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain contain lead with an isotopic...





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