Scour Downstream of High Level Emergency Spillways
The Corps of Engineers has numerous high level emergency spillways (HLES) including some that have the potential for excessive scour downstream during certain flow events. 'Excessive...

The Development of Test Cases for Hydrodynamic and Transport Models
This paper reviews the test cases employed by several investigators in the development of two- and three-dimensional finite difference and finite element hydrodynamic and transport models....

Advanced Concept for Generation of Waves in Hydraulic Models
This paper describes a new wavemaker for the generation of naturally occurring waves in physical models of coastal areas. Recent research incorporating directional aspects of monochromatic,...

Uncertainty in Models for Environmental Management
In recent years, computer models have become increasingly popular as tools to aid the decision-maker in balancing complex, interacting factors in environmental management and pollution...

Input Programs for Engineering Applications
This paper discusses several input program types and the data structures associated with them. Two input programs were designed for KYPIPEF to demonstrate the use of files of records and...

Accuracy of Computed Water Surface Profiles
Stream cross-sectional geometry obtained from aerial surveys (aerial spot elevations and topographic maps) that conform to mapping industry standards are more accurate than is often recognized....

Effects of Land Subsidence on Flood Profiles
In this study, the effects of land subsidence on water-surface elevation and depth profiles during flood conditions were investigated for a large, hypothetical, slope-controlled stream....

Comparison of Some River Discharge Calculation Methods
To measure the discharge of a river, it is necessary to develop a stage-discharge curve based on water velocity at various cross sections of the river. This is the method which is used...

Lessons from the Failure of a Needle Valve
In 1984 a manually operated, hydraulically actuated 66-inch needle valve ruptured due to water hammer. The circumstances that caused the failure were reconstructed through extensive analysis...

Choices Between Micro and Mainframe Computers
The explosion of microcomputers (PCs) has shifted a great amount of engineering computing from mainframes to micros. It has also shifted a lot of programming from FORTRAN to BASIC. This...

The Use of Spread Sheets in Water Resources Planning
With the advent of 'spread sheets' in the microcomputer explosion, a tool is available for the first time to greatly simplify many engineering procedures. This...

Models of Border Irrigation for Flat Clayey Soils
Border irrigation is widely used for irrigating pastures in south-east Australia. Inadequate earthworks, design and operation of irrigation layouts have been major causes of waterlogging...

The Relationship of Benefits to System Size for Irrigation Projects
This paper presents a generalized linear programming (LP) and farm budget model for optimization of on-farm irrigation benefits resulting from variations in irrigation project size. The...

Considerations for Sizing Water Delivery Systems
The purpose of a water delivery system is to deliver irrigation water to a farm and its design should be based on meeting the requirements of farm water use. The rate, duration and frequency...

Irrigation District Management?Past, Present and Future
This paper reviews the significant changes in the policies and procedures followed by agencies formed to deliver irrigation water in the western United States generally and California...

Crop-Water Production Functions and System Design
A Task Committee to evaluate application of crop-water production functions to irrigation system design and management was established by the ASCE Irrigation Water Requirements Committee...

Economic Analysis Tools for Differential Inflation
Economic decisions based on a life-cycle analysis should consider differential increases or decreases in operation and replacement costs and benefits over the project or component life....

An Integrated Rehabilitation Procedure for Gravity Systems
Demands for an improved system combined with a more adjusted management mode are common in many projects where limited or strained budgets do not allow for a regular and secure water supply....

Forty Years of Computational Hydraulics?1960-2000
The definition of computational hydraulics as used herein is: the application of numerical methods for the solution of problems of hydraulic flows, largely as practiced by the civil engineering...

Coastal Zone '87
Coastal Zone '87 is the fifth in a series of multidisciplinary meetings on comprehensive coastal and ocean management. The papers included in this publication review technical...





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