Keeping Tabs on CADD
In 1983 Howard Needles Tammen and Bergendoff (HNTB) began to implement a CADD system. Fostering the independence of individual offices while maintaining the company wide standards and...

Transit Triumph
The 1988 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement is Boston's Southwest Corridor, chosen not only for its size, complexity and technology, but for its environmental, public...

Changing Requirements
There are three sections to the presentation. First, a discussion of the changing environment of highway transportation - what are the factors and variables that are changing in the world...

The Federal Budgetary Process
The paper outlines the federal budget process as it affects highway safety programs. There are a variety of federal programs which come under the umbrella designation highway safety. Those...

Comparing Benefits of Safety and Non-Safety Programs
The objective of this presentation is to compare benefit-cost ratios for major highway construction projects to those for highway safety projects, such as: (1) new highways, (2) major...

A Case for Science-Based Road Safety Design and Management
What civil engineers do has a major effect on road safety. However, contrary to appearances, the level of safety built into roads is largely unpremeditated. Standards and practices have...

Highway Safety - Planning for the Future
Because motor vehicle traffic is expected to continue to grow, renewed efforts will be required to prevent the problem of motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries growing much larger than...

Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...

Seismic Damage and Retrofit of Bridges in California
Since 1971, the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) has retrofitted about 1300 bridges to improve their seismic resistance. CALTRANS has investigated 13 earthquakes since...

Sylmar HVDC Converter Station East Seismic Design
The Sylmar Converter Station East in Los Angeles receives power from the Northwest via the Pacific HVDC Intertie, a ?500 kV dc transmission line. At Sylmar, the energy is converted to...

Elegant Interchange for Tight Urban Spaces
The Seventh St. underpass, which opened in May of 1987, is a multilevel uban interchange crossing I-10 in the center of Phoenix, Arizona. With little right of way available, the interchange...

Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers
ASCE Manual 52, Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers, serves as a basis for the design of both guyed and self-supporting steel transmission...

Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, August, 1988, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The objective of this conference was to provide a...

Designng to a Fault
Engineers designed a $30 million expansion of one of the Port of Los Angeles' busiest shipping terminals for a site sitting over the Palos Verdes Fault. Because closing the...

The Eccentric Entrance
Architects design irregularly shaped buildings to give their clients something different, and this creates problems for structural engineers, especially in earthquake zones. The Brinderson...

Massive Resistance
The recently completed structural reinforcement of the 95 year old landmark Salt Lake City & County building, and its 250 ft high central clocktower, is believed to be the first...

Real World Analysis
The structural concepts, seismic analysis and design of five recent highrise structures is presented in this paper. The paper deals with the problem of multistory buildings having Structural...

Seismic Design and Construction of Complex Civil Engineering Systems
This publication presents information about practices for planning, designing, and constructing civil engineering systems for mitigating earthquake effects. Concepts dealing with defining...

Structural Scale Models: Beyond the Computer
The authors build balsa wood structural scale models to supplement their 3D CADD designs because, for complex framing systems or sites with access problems, the models help clients and...

A Safe Skyscraper For the Seismic City
When completed in late 1989, the 73-story First International World Center will be the tallest office building in Los Angeles. The steel structure of the building was designed to be ductile...





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