Hydraulic Design for La Quinta Stormwater Project
An upstream detention basin was designed to trap debris and attenuate flows into Bear Creek Channel. The high velocity supercritical flow made a one side bank protection design for the...

Stochastic Streamflow Sequences for Reservoir Operation and Design
A stochastic streamflow model is adapted for risk methodology in the operation and design of reservoirs. The model is based upon the representation of the flood series as a Poisson counting...

Scour Downstream of the Straight Drop Spillway
Tests made to determine the effect of high tailwater and long duration flows on scour downstream of the straight drop spillway stilling basin are presented in this paper. Results are presented...

Federal Microcomputer Software for Urban Hydrology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, availability, and general use of selected urban hydrology microcomputer software developed by: U.S. Soil Conservation Service...

A Simulation Technique for Modeling Flow on Floodplains and in Coastal Wetlands
The system design is premised on a proven, areal two-dimensional, finite-difference flow/transport model which is supported by an operational set of computer programs for input data management...

Modeling of a Low Head Hydroelectric Project
In order to shorten the time to develop a hydroelectric project at the Corps of Engineers Hannibal Lock and Dam on the Ohio River for the City of New Martinsville, West Virginia, a turnkey...

Analysis of Spillway Failures by Uplift Pressure
Results of a model study to evaluate the development of uplift pressures beneath concrete chutes are presented. Two spillway failures are described to support the study results. Common...

Design and Performance of Earth Spillways
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Soil Conservation Service has designed and administered construction of a large number of dams utilizing grassed earth-lined auxiliary...

Mathematical Model of Wave Induced Pressures
A two-dimensional, implicit finite difference model was built to compute surface wave induced pressures under a gravity base foundation. The results showed considerable wave attenuation...

Alternate Designs for the Sidewalls of Hydraulic Jump Stilling Basins
This paper discusses several alternate designs to replace the full height sidewalls of a type 2 U.S. Bureau of Reclamation stilling basin. The alternate designs that were investigated...

Dam Safety, Yes.; But What About Safety at Dams?
Design and construction of safe structures are the professional obligations of hydraulic engineers. However, there are environmental dangers with safe structures which engineers often...

Hydrologic Safety of Earth Dams
Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses are presented pertaining to the safety evaluation of an earth dam located downstream of another smaller earth dam. The upper dam is assumed to breach...

Design of Riprapped Scour Holes for Flip Bucket and Overfall Spillways
Presented in this paper is a simple method of predicting pre-excavated scour depths and geometry for riprapped basins below flip bucket spillways. The input data needed for establishing...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Open Channels
The results of tests by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Los Angeles (LAD), became a major part of the Corps' EM 1110-2-1601, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels....

Concrete Habitable Structure on the Moon
This paper presents construction methods for a concrete habitable structure on the Moon. The study was conducted on the assumption that a concrete manufacturing plant has already been...

Construction Operations for an Early Lunar Base
Construction and excavation operations performed during the earliest stages of a manned lunar base pose a unique set of problems. This paper will describe six construction tasks that are...

Lunar Agricultural Requirements Definition
Requirements are presented for an agricultural system that would supply a lunar base. This agricultural system consists of plant growth units established within pressurized modules. Each...

Design of a Second Generation Lunar Base
We discuss the design of a permanent lunar base of 100 person size which may be able to expand to a base of about 500 person size. We present a preliminary design for a base concept which...

Candor Chasma Camp
This paper proposes a camp at Mars, in the Coprates region of the Valles Marineris rift, just below the equator on Candor Mensa 6�-12'S, 73�-30'W. Beginning at...

Homesteading Mars
The author gives serious study to setting up a permanent Martian base during the first or second manned Mars mission. The savings of fuel and equipment for the return trips might pay for...





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