Development of Enhanced Tools for the Integrated Analysis of Reservoir and Power System Operations
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have initiated a collaborative project - the INTEGRAL Project - to develop improved tools for coordinating...

Emergent Techniques in Scour Monitoring Devices
This paper presents a brief status report of a research and development project funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) to develop and test scour monitoring...

Quantity and Quality of Dry Weather Flow in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada
In recognition of the potential for dry weather flows to convey pollutants from the Las Vegas Valley, the potential economic and resource value of these flows within the Valley, and the...

Assessing the True Value of Flood Control Reservoirs: The Experience of Folsom Dam in the February 1986 Flood
Over the last 40 years considerable public investments have been made in large flood control storage reservoirs throughout the U.S. and internationally. These projects were typically designed...

Bank Stabilization with Environmental Features on the Middle Rio Grande
River maintenance on the middle Rio Grande has changed significantly since channel work began in the mid 1950's. Past practices included pilot or relocation channels, vegetation control,...

Two Options for Disposal of Desalination Reject Water
A major problem associated with the use of desalination plants for the production of fresh water is the disposal of the reject water. This water is typically double the salinity of the...

Risk and Uncertainty in Flood Damage Reduction Project Design
The recent emphasis on partnership between the Federal government and local sponsors in the development of flood damage reduction projects has promoted considerable interest in the application...

Modeled Hydraulic and Salt Transport Patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Modeled hydraulic and salt transport patterns in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta have been summarized as the basis for detailed environmental assessment of proposed water management projects...

The EUR Water Station in Rome?Italy
The paper deals the new steel Water Centre realized by ACEA in Rome. The Water Station is destined to manage the water consumption of around 500,000 inhabitants with an output of 3,900...

Storm Water Regulations?Aircraft Deicer/Anti-icers Operations
In 1991, FAA has initiated a storm water program to assist airport operators in complying the EPA Storm Water NPDES regulations. The first FAA project, a survey, addresses present operational...

GIS and SWMM Applications in Developing the Lake Houston Watershed Management Program
The City of Houston has undertaken the task of developing a Watershed Management Program for the 2,828 square mile lake Houston Watershed in an effort to prevent future degradation of...

Probability and Impact of an Observed Rare Sequence of Floods
Accordingly, it may be concluded that the severity of the recorded sequence would be exceeded in about 2.1 percent of future sequences, or have about one chance in 45 or 50 of being exceeded...

Sacramento River Environmental Requirements
Environmental requirements have altered bank protection engineering and construction on the Sacramento River, California. Conflicts between public safety and environmental protection remain...

Real World Applications of Pipeline Leak Detection
This paper covers various leak detection methodologies and how they are integrated into the Williams Pipe Line system. Special emphasis is given to the dynamic model method of leak detection...

Recent Developments in Safety Research from the Gas Research Institute
Recent developments in Safety Research, as supported by the Gas Research Institute (GRI), have consisted primarily of hardware-oriented applications to various gas industry safety operations....

Concrete Pipe for Sanitary Sewers Corrosion Protection Update
Significant advances have been made in the last decade in the area of sanitary sewer design techniques. Some of the most important advances have been in the prediction and prevention of...

Installing a Raw Water Line by Microtunneling
Construction began in 1991 on a new water treatment plan for the Towns of Cary and Apex, with B. Everett Jordan Lake as a water source. Installation of two 1,400 mm raw water lines approximately...

Evaluation of a Proprietary Tape Coating Alternative for the 157 Mile Ivie Pipeline
A two part evaluation of alternative protective coating systems for the 157 mile Ivie pipeline was made. In Part I, an evaluation was made on the suitability of a proprietary tape coating...

An Evaluation of Fiberglass Pipe Made by Three Different Manufacturing Processes for use in Water Transmission Projects
Fiberglass pipe is made primarily using continuous filament wound process, discontinuous helical filament wound process, and centrifugal cast process. Some 40 countries around the world...

Selection and use of Pipeline Leak Detection Methods for Liability Management into the 21st Century
Pipeline leak detection systems have been in use for many years on all types of pipelines with various products being transported. Pipeline owners and operators are subject to stringent...





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