Mixing Influences on Cement-Based Waste Forms
High-shear, medium-shear, and low-shear mixing tests were conducted on paste and paste + fly-ash mixes: The specimens, cured for 28-days, were tested for free water generation, compressive...
Biopolymers for Geotechnical Applications
A number of bacteria, e.g.,
Retention of Multiple Heavy Metal Ions by Fly Ash
Clayey soils are widely used as liner materials in landfills. They, not only retard the transport of leachates due to their low permeability, but also retain the heavy metal ions due to...
Innovative Effluent Management for Sustainability
The City of San Jose, California (USA) has developed an original, integrated approach to managing wastewater treatment plant effluent and preserving the receiving water ecosystem. Highlights...
Simulation of Perilithic Algae as a Biofilm and Its Interaction with the Water Column
A one-dimensional bioflim model has been constructed consisting of a particulate phase of algae and inert material and diffusive transport of nutrients and oxygen. Also included is mass...
Survival of Coliform Microorganisms in Sediments from a Treated Water Reservoir
Experiments were performed seeking the source of coliform contamination in a treated drinking water reservoir operated by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. In recent years...
A Process Unit Based Approach to Media-Integrated Waste Minimization: A Paint Manufacturing Case Study
Research conducted at the School of Engineering, University of Guelph, has developed a media-integrated waste minimization plan for a major Ontario paint and coatings manufacturer. The...
New Block Copolymers for Membrane Materials
New fluorine containing polymer materials, which contain n-fluoro octylacrylate (pFOA) or n-fluorooctylmethylacrylate (pFOMA) repeating units, are being explored for use in thin film composite...
Protecting Drinking Water: Rapid Detection of Human Fecal Contamination, Injured, and Non-Culturable Pathogenic Microbes in Water Systems
The rapid, potentially-automatable extraction of filter retentates has allowed quantitative detection of the unique biomarker for human fecal contamination, coprostanol, and the signature...
Reservoir Sediment Management Practices of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (Department), which includes the Los Angeles County Flood Control District, owns and operates 15 major flood control dams. Most of these...
Debris Basin Design Procedures
Debris basins are widely used in the southwestern areas of the United States, with the majority of the structures located in the Southern California area. More and more development is...
Application of Regime Theory in Practice: A Case Study
Alluvial channels are known to adjust their slope, width, depth and velocity to achieve stable conditions given a supply of water and sediment. Scientific investigations of stable channels...
Watershed Characteristics and Hydrological Parameters vs. Sediment Yield?Northern Regions of Pakistan
In order to manage, restore, or effectively maintain a watershed it is necessary to know what is really going on inside that watershed, which includes the effects of watershed and hydrological...
Identifying Trends from Streamflow Records?A Case Study
Historical streaniflow records for the Ruby River, in southwestern Montana were analyzed for trends and for changes in the precipitation-runoff relationship. Trends were first identified...
Modeling the Lake Decatur Watershed in Illinois to Evaluate Effects of Best Management Practices on Nitrate Loading
The Illinois State Water Survey recently completed a two-year monitoring and modeling study of the Lake Decatur watershed in Illinois to develop land use management alternatives that would...
Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Agricultural Chemical Assessment of Rural Private Wells
The detection of agricultural chemicals in rural private wells has prompted for numerous studies at regional, state, and national levels. A principal concern arises from the fact that...
Neural Networks Predict Pesticide Leaching
The goal of this work was to determine whether artificial neural networks (ANN) can be used to predict the percentage of applied pesticide that leaches through 50 cm of turfgrass covered...
Identifying Potential Trophic Relationships and Bioaccumulation Pathways between Fish and Invertebrates
A large ocean monitoring database was used to quantify relationships between demersal fish, epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) and benthic infauna that provide potential pathways for...
Uncertainty in Comparative Analysis with Continuous Nonpoint Source Pollution Models
There have been few attempts to quantify the impact of parameter uncertainty in comparative analysis with continuous nonpoint source pollution models. This paper presents the results of...
Managing Border Irrigation for Near-Zero Discharge
A dimensionless database of previously executed simulations of sloping-border irrigation with tailwater runoff constitutes the heart of design-aid software showing the effects on runoff...
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