Dynamic Consolidation - Dramatic Way to Strengthen Soil
The dynamic consolidation technique consists basically of dropping a heavy pounder of up to 4 x 104 kg from a height varying between 50 to 148 ft....

Design and Construction of World's Tallest Free-standing Fiberglass Stack
The design, fabrication and erection procedures are discussed for a 170-ft free-standing fiberglass reinforced plastic exhaust stack-scrubber system. Advantages and disadvantages in the...

General Principles for the Stability Design of Metal Structures
The Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC) Technical Memorandum No. 5 is explored; this memorandum includes the general principles that form the bases of various SSRC recommended...

Sulfer Extended Asphalt
Since the 1973 oil embargo, the Federal Highway Administration has researched and promoted the experimental use of a new pavement binder, sulfur-extended asphalt (SEA). In SEA paving mixes,...

Barrier Islands: Should Engineers Interfere with Nature�
The pros and cons of barrier island development and protection are explored. Most coastal professionals think that pristine barrier islands probably ought not to be developed except under...

ASTM�Number One in Consensus Standards
The biggest of the private standards writing organizations, the American Society for Testing and Materials is profiled. Originally a writer of materials specifications, ASTM has grown...

Tampa's Hookers Point AWT Plant Working Well
The Tampa, Florida advanced wastewater treatment plant is designed to remove a high degree of BOD suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorous. Presently, the state has exempted the plant...

Wicks, Fabrics and Sawdust Overcome Thick Mud
A new Dumbarton bridge is replacing the original which was built in 1927 to cross San Francisco Bay at its southern end. The bridge approaches are constructed on top of salt ponds, with...

A Probability-Based Load Criterion for Structural Design
Load factors and load combinations are explored which are compatible with the loads in the proposed 1981 revision of American National Standard A58 (Minimum Design Loads for Buildings...

Structural Plastics for the 80s
Engineers in non-civil fields have been using more and more light-weight, high-strength structural plastics and plastic composites every year, but civil engineers have barely begun to...

Swiss Bridge Design Spans Time and Distance
Having long played crucial roles in Switzerlands history, modern bridges there now lead technical innovation in design and construction. Two recently completed Swiss Bridges bridges of...

Mix Design Formulas for Recycled Hot-Asphalt Plant Mixtures
The design of recycled asphalt paving mixtures is compounded by the amount of asphalt and its properties in the reclaimed asphalt pavement. Formulas are presented for proportioning the...

Limit Equilibrium, Plasticity and General Stress-Strain in Geotechnical Engineering
Papers and discussions from the workshop on limit equilibrium, plasticity, and generalized stress-strain in geotechnical engineering are presented. The papers address aspects of the problems...

Construction of Power Generation Facilities
The impact of the present construction practice, codes, standards and regulations on the construction of power generation facilities is reviewed and examined in papers presented at the...

List of Sources and Reference Material on Pipeline Design
Sources of information and reference material on pipeline design are listed. The bibliography is compiled for engineers with limited experience in the pipeline field, and the references...

West Virginia Cooling Tower Collapse Caused by Premature Form Removal
The collapse of a reinforced concrete cooling tower under construction at Willow Island, W.Va. in April 1978 resulted in 51 fatalities, making it the worst construction accident in American...

Post-Tensioned Foundations as Economical Alternative
Although post-tensioned (p-t) foundations have been utilized in the U.S. since the early 1960s, the last five years have witnessed a substantial increase in their implementation. Used...

The Concrete Canoe: A Technological Challenge
In 1970 the first concrete canoe was built, and since that time many colleges and universities have built and raced concrete canoes. The Union College (Schenectady, NY) Stone Boat Club...

How about Reverse Filters
Reverse or inverted filters allow water to drain freely without carrying away suspended solids. Their pore size must be properly related to the fines being protected. Terzaghi's...

Basics in Failure Analysis of Large Structures
Failure analysis procedures can usually determine the most probalbe cause of a structural failure. Then it is possible to determine why the initial design, materials selection, and fabrication...





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