Freshwater Diversions from the Mississippi River to Wetlands in Southeast Louisiana
Wetlands in the United States are disappearing at a rapid rate due to a variety of manmade and natural causes. In southeast Louisiana, freshwater diversions from the Mississippi River...

Allocation of Pecos River Basin Water Between New Mexico and Texas
An interstate compact was signed in 1948 between the States of New Mexico and Texas for the allocation of water of the Pecos River Basin which was approved by the Congress of the United...

Allocating Chattahoochee River Water Rights
Recent proposals to reallocate Chattahoochee River waters to provide water supply for Atlanta, Georgia have caused great concern to downstream users in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. A...

A Decision Support System for Dredging the Lower Mississippi River
The paper describes a decision support system proposed to aid short-term scheduling of maintenance dredging activities on the lower Mississippi River for the New Orleans District of the...

Creativity and Water Resources: Theory and Stimulation
An attempt was made to assess the evolution of the water resources field. First, the most significant scientific advancements in the field since 2000 BC until early 1900 AD were listed...

Forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice
The forthcoming ASCE/WPCF Manual of Practice for the Design and Construction of Urban Stormwater Management Systems includes, as Chapter 1, a derivation of the following text. This chapter...

Urban Storm Drainage Design Hydraulic Principles
Chapter 6 of the manual on Design and Construction of Urban Storm Water Management Systems discusses the hydraulic principles and equations under which drainage system structures must...

Water Technology Development and Transfer in Mexico
Mexican Government has developed the National Potable Water Supply and Sanitation Program to meet the country's water supply demands, both in quantity and quality. Two core...

An Intelligent Warning System for Real-time Operation of Water Systems
This paper describes the development of the Intelligent Warning System (IWS), a modular extension of the Operations Advisor and Simulated Intelligence System (OASIS). OASIS is a full-scale...

Automatic Control of a Sewage Interceptor
This paper presents a control system for the automatic operation of a sewage intercepter with control gates to reduce sewage discharge to the receiving waters. One of the issues of the...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

Successful Planning, Funding, and Implementation of Water Resources Projects
This paper presents the methods used by Alameda County Water District to plan, fund, and implement its long term capital improvement program. Water supply and facility planning studies...

Modeling 70,000 Feet of Interceptor for Aurora, CO
During preliminary design for the City of Aurora's Tollgate Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvements, the authors modeled over 70,000 linear feet of interceptor for both present...

Mission Bay Park, San Diego Sewage Interceptor System
Mission Bay Park is a major aquatic facility located in, and operated by, the City of San Diego. In response to sewer related pollution problems, the City of San Diego has embarked on...

MORE-A Multi-Objective Ranking Environment for Risk Assessment
This paper explores the development of a computerized decision support system for ranking risks due to environmental concerns. The paper begins with a brief history a comparative risk...

Optimal Irrigation Planning for Drought Management in Lower Colorado River Basin
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) of Texas recently completed a Drought Management Plan (DMP) for the water supplies under its control. In developing that plan, the LCRA evaluated...

Drought Contingency Plan for the Youghiogheny River Lake Basin
The purpose of this Drought Contingency Plan is to provide a basic reference for water management decisions and responses to a water shortage in the Youghiogheny River Basin induced by...

Totally RAD Urban Drought Management from California
The paper discusses some novel drought management measures which have arisen during the recent 4-year California drought. Many of these options are new ideas on the part of California...

Conceptual Model for Performance-Based Management of Regional Water Systems
The national shift in emphasis from top-down development plan orientation in water resources, wherein the federal government assumed the dominant role, to the shared partnership approach...

The Law of Interbasin Water Transfers in the East
Interbasin transfers are becoming a vital source of water supply in the eastern United States. The current governing water law, the common law of riparian rights, does not address interbasin...





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