3-D Free Surface Flow Modeling by Efficient Finite Element Method
3-D free surface flows in highly irregular boundary configurations are among the most difficult natural phenomena to be simulated by mathematical modeling. Not only the problems of accuracy,...

Discussion of a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays
A time-varying three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model of the Upper Chesapeake and Delaware Bays has been developed to address the impact of deepening the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D)...

Numerical Accuracies in Steady Open Channel Flow
The authors have reviewed the accuracy of the individual terms and formulations of the conservation of energy equation as used within the constraints of steady open channel flow modelling....

Critical Flow Through Bridge Piers
A physical model study was performed at California State University, Long Beach to investigate the location of critical depth within bridge piers in supercritical lined channels. This...

Major Sedimentation Activities in the Soil Conservation Service
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Soil Conservation Service (SCS) are cooperating in the development of tools to improve prediction of the magnitude of erosion processes, the...

Hydraulic Modeling of Flow Control Gates
Flow control gates are subject to complex hydrodymanic loadings, which may in many cases only be predicted through investigation on a physical hydraulic model. Scaling of gate models,...

Three-Dimensional Modelling of Recirculation Behind a Groyne
Extensive investigation on the three-dimensional flow patterns behind a groyne have been carried out in a small-scale experiment. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic numerical model is verified...

Validation and Recent Enhancement of a Three-Dimensional Curvilinear-Grid Finite-Difference Model for Estuarine, Coastal and Lake Circulation: CH3D
This paper describes the validation and recent enchancement of a three-dimensional curvilinear-grid hydrodynamic model: CH3D. The model employs finite-differences techniques and allows...

Impact of Agricultural Levees on Flood Elevations
Agricultural levees are used in many low-lying areas to protect farmlands from floods. The levees are often constructed, maintained, and improved on an ad hoc basis by farmers or with...

Modelling of Stages of Nile River as a Tool for a Better Water Resources Management
As far as Egypt is concerned, the Nile is not just a river, it is rather the pulsing nerve of life. Consequently, it was essential to maintain detailed information about its levels and...

Overview of Mathematical Models?River Nile/High Aswan Dam
This paper has been directed towards the presentation of seven reliable planning tools (mathematical models) that can be used for the investigation of the planning options facing policy...

Basin-Wide Stormwater Management in Pennsylvania?A Case Study of Hydrologic Performance Standards
Performance standards in the form of 'release rates' are developed using hydrologic computer models. This basin-wide approach to stormwater management considers...

Model Tests for Design of Vibration-Free Gates
Experimental results are presented of hydraulic forces acting on an underflow gate. Underflow gate is a socalled bluff body and a review of the mechanism of vibration caused by separation...

Spillway Gates for the El Naranjero Dam in Spain
In June 1986 Zwag Zschokke Wartmann Ltd received the order from Hidroelectrica Espanola S.A. in Madrid, Spain for the design and model testing of 5 radial gates on the 'El...

Next-Generation Local Scale Hydromet Forecasting System
Research and development work is being conducted for the National Weather Service on a new-generation flash flood monitoring and forecasting computer workstation. The workstation represents...

Horizontal Density-Gradient Effects on Simulation of Flow and Transport in the Potomac Estuary
A two-dimensional, depth-integrated, hydrodynamic/transport model of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md., has been extended to include treatment of baroclinic forcing...

Dispersion of Tracers Along the Coast of Singapore
The primary objective of the present study is to model numerically the dispersion of a cloud of fine radioactive tracers along the east coast of Singapore. The results of a hydrodynamic...

Three-Dimensional Model of a Stratified Estuary?St. Andrew Bay System, Florida
A three-dimensional modal is applied to a northwest Florida estuary to provide the initial insights into the circulation and flushing patterns of the system. The model, developed by the...

Long-Term Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamics of Chesapeake Bay
A time-varying 3D numerical model of Chesapeake Bay has been developed to provide flow fields to a 3D water quality model of the bay. The water surface, 3D velocity field, salinity, and...

Model Study of the Guadalupe River Bypass Culvert
A hydraulic model investigation of proposed channel improvements for the Guadalupe River Channel was conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi....





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