Coastal Engineering (1970)
Abstract only. Papers from the proceedings of the Twelfth Coastal Engineering Conference, held in Washington, DC, September 13-18, 1970....
Civil Engineering in the Oceans II
Proceedings of the ASCE Conference Civil Engineering in the Oceans, held in Miami Beach, Florida, December 10-12, 1969. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers Hydraulics...
Abstracts of Papers from Civil Engineering in the Oceans II
Abstract only. Proceedings of the ASCE Conference Civil Engineering in the Oceans, held in Miami Beach, Florida, December 10-12, 1969. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers...
Abstracts of Paper from Second National Symposium on Sanitary Engineering Research, Development and Design
Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Sanitary Engineering, Research, Development, and Design held at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Sponsored by the American Society...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1969
Report on Small Craft Harbors
This manual,
An Analysis of National Basic Information Needs in Urban Hydrology
Mass Concrete Construction
A Study Toward More Economical Construction by Cost Reductions Through Construction Methods & Techniques
Prepared under the auspices of The Construction Research Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the general objective of
Water and Metropolitan Man
Report on the Second Conference on Urban Water Resources Research
Proceedings of the Second Conference on Urban Water Resources Research, held at Proctor Academy, Andover, New Hampshire, August 12-16, 1968. Sponsored by the Engineering Foundation and...
Water Treatment Plant Design
This manual is intended to give direction, relevant information, and design details related to water treatment plants. Topics include objectives of water treatment, general design considerations,...
Structural Plastics
Properties and Possibilities
Proceedings of a Symposium at the National Structural Engineering Meeting held in Louisville, Kentucky, 1969. Sponsored by the Committee on Plastics of the Structural Division of the American...
Urban Planning Guide
The manual covers the following topics: Commercial land planning, Industrial land planning, Community facilities planning, Transportation planning, Capital improvement programs and financing,...
ASCE Cumulative Index to ASCE Publications 1960-1969
It covers Journals (Proceedings) 1960-1969 (vol. 86-95), Transactions 1960-1969 (vol. 125-134) and Civil Engineering 1960-1969 (vol. 30-39)...
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1968
Committee on Backfilling in Public Rights-of-Way Final Report
The report is concerned primarily with evaluating types and properties of soils in the West and North sections of the city and county of St. Louis, field testing and evaluation of the...
Automation of Irrigation and Drainage Systems
Proceedings of the National Irrigation and Drainage Specialty Conference held in Phoenix, Arizona, November 13-16, 1968. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Second Space Age Facilities Conference
Proceedings of the Aero Space Transport Division Specialty Conference held in Los Angeles, California, April 24-26, 1968. Sponsored by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Urban Transportation Planning
Sources of Information on Urban Transportation
This book is a review of the procedures followed in the comprehensive urban transportation planning process including a history of its development, trip generation, trip distribution methods,...
Passenger Psychological Dynamics
Sources of Information on Urban Transportation
This book is a review of consumer attitude underlying modal choice in urban transportation. Factors selected from attitude surveys and transit demonstration projects include safety, reliability,...
Modes of Transportation
Sources of Information on Urban Transportation
This book offers an inventory of modes of urban transportation classified by vehicle types, with subclasses by guideway where applicable. Over 100 vehicles systems which have been demonstrated....
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