Waste Water Management at Bulk Terminals
As North American environmental regulations become more demanding, the amount of contaminants permitted in waste water discharge is reaching lower levels than can be achieved by conventional...

Evolving Mitigation Requirements for Port Development
Mitigation for wetland impacts associated with port development at the Port of Tampa has evolved significantly over the past two decades. A recent major wetland creation program at the...

Pile Driving: Can it Cause Slope Movement?
The potential for slope movement from pile driving is examined in this paper. Published information is reviewed to identify the primary causes of movement, which are 1) displacement of...

Dredging Contaminated Sediments: A Monitoring Plan for Boston Harbor
Dredging and blasting will be conducted in Boston's Inner Harbor over approximately a one-year period during construction of the Third Harbor Tunnel. The silty organic surface sediments...

Environmental Monitoring and Operator Guidance System (EMOGS) for Shallow Water Ports
Port facilities have increasingly been required to accommodate longer and deeper draft ships. Existing approaches to many ports consist of long shallow channels which can make transits...

Bulk Commodity Terminals?Planning for the Future Competitive and Environmental Challenges
The demand upon all industries for better protection of the environment is increasing and the regulations and permit requirements are changing rapidly. Bulk commodity terminal operators...

Honolulu Harbor Ship Traffic Simulation and Animation Study
A computer simulation and animation study was conducted to investigate the operational impacts of projected ship traffic increases and harbor reconfiguration specified in the Honolulu...

Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbors Model Enhancement Program
In response to the expansion of oceanborne world commerce, the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, California, in coordination with the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of...

Information Management in Water Resources: Database and GIS Integration
Historically the management and analysis of large quantities of water resources related information has been time consuming and expensive. Until recently, the use of sophisticated geographic...

Global Warming and Possible Effects on the Central and Southern Florida Project
The possible impacts of global warming on the operation and management of the Central and Southern Florida Project are examined. The potential impacts include sea level rise, tropical...

Global Climate Change Effects on Water Quality
The annual thermal energy cycle of Shasta Reservoir in California is simulated under scenarios of climate corresponding to present conditions and as predicted by global climate models...

Global Change and Regional Water Resources
Global climatic changes will probably have significant effect on the utilization of regional water resources and will influence markedly the operation of water storage and delivery systems....

Seven Legal Strategies to Cool Global Warming
There are seven types of legal approaches which can be employed by different levels of government to cool global warming. Application of these strategies, singly or in various combinations,...

Perceptions, Sensitivity, and Solutions; Water Quality 2000
Commencing early in 1971, the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) (now Water Environment Federation) established a series of challenge groups which would develop information essential...

Water Demand Management in the Las Vegas Valley Region
Water resources in the Las Vegas Valley Region (LVR) are of great concern to the residents and local water purveyors. The chief stimulus for concern is the rapid growth of the region coupled...

Predicting Water Demand in Agricultural Regions Using Time Series Forecasts of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration
Overall, it can be said that the time series model developed in this study did provide superior forecasting results for the Brawley, CA, site. This indicates that the monthly reference...

Streamflow Forecasting Using Trainable Neural Networks
In this investigation the practicality of applying a backpropagation neural network to modeling watershed response characteristics is examined. Two separate tests were performed. One test...

Modeling Instantaneous Residential Demands in Municipal Water Distribution Systems
A modeling scheme is proposed for simulating the intensity, duration, and frequency of instantaneous indoor water use at a single family residence. The intensity and duration of indoor...

Use of Interactive Simulation Environments for the Development of Negotiation Tools
Interactive computer programs have been used successfully for many years to facilitate the planning and operation of water resources. Recently, advances in computer software have made...

Spatial Decision Support System for Toxic Spill Modeling in the Ohio River
Spatial decision support systems (SDSS) are hardware-software systems that incorporate spatial analysis and modeling in a workstation environment. The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation...





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