Geomorphology and Sedimentation Patterns of Tidal Inlets: A Review
Tidal inlets are generally formed by either of two mechanisms: storm generated scour channels, and closure of estuarine entrances by growth of sand spits. On depositional, coastal plain...

Historical Morphologic Evolution and Sedimentation at Barataria Pass, Louisiana
Barataria Pass, Louisiana, one of the most commercially important tidal inlets in the Gulf of Mexico, has undergone several stages of development since 1840. The shore-parallel growth...

Processes of Sediment Transport and Ebb Tidal Delta Development at a Jettied Inlet
This paper deals with the development of the ebb tidal delta following the extension of jetties at a tidal river entrance. The growth rate and morphological change are discussed using...

Processes of Shoreline Change Along the Nile Delta Coast of Egypt
A comprehensive program has been underway for more than a decade to collect nearshore data related to erosion problems experienced along the shoreline of the Nile Delta. The data include...

Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern California
Seacliffs are erosional slopes. They form when a receding shoreline impinges on coastal terraces, hills, or mountains. Wave-caused erosion at the base of a seacliff controls its long-term...

Numerical Modelling of Lower Lias Rock Failures in the Coastal Cliffs of South Wales
A model has been developed to evaluate slope failure in the interbedded limestone and mudstone Lower Lias series which outcrop for some 30 km in coastal South Wales. Computer simulation...

Model Testing of Shore Protection Schemes at Surfside-Sunset Beach, CA
A 1:75-scale physical hydraulic model was used to investigate the design of proposed structural modifications at Surfside-Sunset Beach, California, with regard to beach erosion at the...

Physical Modelling of Pocket Beaches
The design of artificial beach systems is dependent upon the modelling criteria and on the selection of the sand material to be used for nourishment. In order to obtain a stable beach...

Coastal Impacts of Hurricane Hugo
During the early morning hours of 22 September 1989, Hurricane Hugo made landfall on the South Carolina Coast. Hugo was a Category 4 hurricane at time of landfall with estimated maximum...

Post-Hugo Beach Restoration in South Carolina
Hurricane Hugo caused unprecedented damage and extensive beach erosion in South Carolina on 22 September 1989. One week after Hugo, a plan was prepared to push up an emergency dune along...

Chesapeake Bay Field Modeling and Monitoring Projects
'Traditional' erosion control measures often do not meet the Corps of Engineers' requirement for economic justification. The costs of these measures...

Initial Shoreline Response at the Presque Isle Erosion Control Project
Construction of the Presque Isle Shoreline Erosion Control Project in Lake Erie at Erie, PA began October 1989 and consists of fifty-eight offshore segmented breakwaters with beachfill....

Rehabilitation of the South Jetty-Ocean City, Maryland
The south jetty at Ocean City, Maryland was rebuilt in 1985 to reduce the frequent shoaling in Ocean City Inlet. The project consists of a new jetty offset 30 feet south of the existing...

Redington Shores Breakwater: Beach Response
This paper presents the beach response at Redington Shores, Florida to a detached offshore breakwater constructed in 1986. This paper summarizes the initial shoreline response described...

Comparison of Shoreline Change Obtained with Physical and Numerical Models
This paper describes a study performed to compare numerical simulations of shoreline response to coastal structures to the response measured in a large wave basin. Two cases are modeled...

Development of an Input Data Set for Shoreline Change Modeling
Procedures and analysis techniques for pre-processing physical data sets in preparation for performing a numerical shoreline change simulation study using the GENESIS model are presented....

Mathematical Model of Groyned Shingle Beaches
The paper describes the development of a mathematical model designed to be used by coastal engineers to study the effects of groynes on shingle beaches. The main task of the model is to...

The Interaction of Seawalls and Beaches: Four Years of Field Monitoring, Monterey Bay, California
Coastal protection structures have historically been the most common approach to dealing with the problem of shoreline erosion in the United States. Three potential impacts of these structures...

Wave-Induced Scour Prediction at Vertical Walls
Scour at the foot of a vertical wall is examined for the special case of normally-incident, nonbreaking irregular waves that are perfectly reflected by the wall. The bottom is initially...

Artificial Headland and Submerged Groyne for a Beach Improvement Project
The design approach that was used to determine the length and elevation of a submerged groyne as well as a system for providing adjustment to the elevation of the submerged groyne is presented....





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