Shallow Draft Coastal Port Design
One of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer (USACE) missions is to construct and maintain shallow draft coastal ports and harbors. Defined as less than 20 ft, shallow draft projects number...

Prospectus for Marinas 2000
This paper is an outline presentation of the method of achieving a proposed specialty workshop on marina planning, design, and construction for the Twenty-First Century by the Waterway,...

Innovation in the Marina Facilities
To meet the need for sufficient pleasure boat storage facilities in Japan, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has developed a new type of boat storage system called 'Mitsubishi...

Viscoelastomeric Connections in Seismic Structures
Nonlinear Kelvin and Maxwell impedances connect lumped masses to form arbitrary networks. Viscoelastomer-steel composite moment connections are modeled similarly, using auxiliary masses,...

Influence of Rigidity of Soil Surrounding Shield Tunnel Upon Equivalent Rigidity of the Tunnel in Axial Direction
The purpose of this study is to investigate the interaction between ground surrounding a shield-driven tunnel and segments, especially their ring-joint portion. When a seismic force acts...

Pavement Design by Elastic Layer Theory
The U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station has been developing methodology by which airport/airfield pavements can be designed based on elastic layered analysis for the Federal...

The Effects of Runway Roughness on Aircraft Fatigue Life
A computer code developed within the Flight Dynamics Directorate of the Wright Laboratory was used to simulate the dynamic response of heavy aircraft operating on runways with various...

Runway Roughness Measurement, Quantification and Application: The Boeing Approach
The measurement of runway roughness and the determination of the severity of runway roughness have long been the subject of nebulous discussion and esoteric description. By considering...

Pavement Experiences Indicative of Needs to Consider Design and Specification Revisions
Recent experiences on two airfield paving projects have indicated some problem areas which may warrant further consideration in design manuals and specifications. 1. Construction of the...

Concrete Mixture Evaluation and Acceptance for Air Field Pavements
Evaluation of the strength of portland cement concrete using flexural strength and compressive strength tests is examined. Problems with the use of flexural testing in the field are discussed...

Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading
This manual presents detailed guidelines and procedures for developing transmission line structure loads. It is divided into four sections. The first section is concerned with the load/strength...

Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings
Changing economic conditions, concerns for historic preservation, emphasis on fully utilizing conveniently located structures, space shortages, and increasing cost of materials and products...

Lifeline Earthquake Engineering
This proceedings, Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, contains papers presented at the Third U.S. Conference in Lifeline Earthquake Engineering...

Preparing for Construction in the 21st Century
This proceedings, Preparing for Construction in the 21st Century, consists of papers presented at the specialty conference Construction Congress...

Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members
ASCE's standard Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Structural Members (ASCE 8-90) provides design criteria...

Working Breakwaters
Along the Virginia portion of the Chesapeake Bay, shoreline erosion has erased about 40,000 acres of land since 1850. Now a series of headland breakwater systems stems erosion up and down...

Historic Dam Rehab: Handle with Care
A growing number of dams across the U.S. are aging and in need of rehabilitation, but can they be brought up to current codes without compromising their historic integrity? Improved methods...

Manhole Rehabilitation
Manholes are frequently the forgotten element in infrastructure renewal. When they aren't properly maintained they allow excess water into the sewer system, and structural...

Air-Water Mass Transfer
This monograph, Air-Water Mass Transfer: Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces, consists of papers presented at the Symposium which...

Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities Structural Perspectives
This publication, Retrofitting Fossil Plant Facilities: Structural Perspectives, was prepared by the Retrofit Task Committee of the Fossil Power Committee of the American Society of Civil...





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