Protecting Your Firm against Liability Claims
In recent years, lawsuits against design professionals have sharply increased. One consulting firm in four now faces a liability claim. Many suits result when the same architect, engineer,...
The Floating Cover: Best Way to Cover a Finished-Water Reservoir�
With the increased attention being given to drinking-water quality in recent years, many states have been pressuring towns and cities to cover their open, finished-water reservoirs. Years...
Short Span Bridges
Short span bridges, seemingly simple and innocuous structures, in fact embody many interesting problems and developments: The need to replace hundreds of thousands of bridges (safety and...
County Leads in Steering Growth
Tulare County, Calif., took the initiative in that state in organizing and developing guidelines for environmental management and planning on the county level. They identified specific...
Current Competence: Current Dilemma
ASCE has taken a stand on requirements for renewal of engineering licenses. The statement supports efforts to assure public safety but does not recommend mandatory additional requirements...
Reinforced Earth Bridges Highway Sinkhole
Faced with an unusual sinkhole condition, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation decided to utilize a two-way reinforced earth slab in conjunction with a subsurface grouting program...
Engineering Education: Can It be More Practical�
U.S. engineering schools were derailed after World War II by some well-meaning educators who decided future engineers should be patterned after physicists and aero-space scientists. Post-war...
Reforming Civil Engineering Education
Modern professional practice requires a more thorough education in civil engineering technology and management. The schools can not provide on-the-job training. Nor can practitioners supplant...
Washington Metro Access Facilities
The 98 mi (158 km) Metro system will have 82 stations. There will be an off-street bus terminal at 54 of the stations with an average of six modified saw-tooth off-street bus bays at each...
Pueblo Dam - A Bureau of Reclamation First
Pueblo Dam, the first massive-head buttress dam in Bureau of Reclamation history, is nearing completion. Pueblo Dam is a feature of the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project in Colorado. The 23 buttresses...
Difficult Dam Problems�� Stilling Basin Redesign
A landslide of major proportions occurred during construction of Silver Jack Dam in western Colorado. This slide required relocation and redesign of the spillway conduit and basin. Hydraulic...
Satellites Helping Solve Some Down-to-Earth Civil Engineering Problems
With its ERTS (Earth Resources Technology Satellite) and other satellites and U2 high-flying aircraft, NASA is generating much remote sensing information about the condition of the atmosphere,...
ASCE Minority Group Counseling Under Way
ASCE has been touring the nation's secondary schools, telling minority youths about the field of engineering and advising young people on courses of study. In 1970, only about...
Fly Ash Pavements, Run Ways to Take Off�
Significant cost savings were realized in paving a new container terminal storage yard in Portland, Oregon. A computer analysis showed that a multi-layer pavement would be best, with each...
News in Bridge Decks
This is the second of two articles on short span bridges. The first, in the July issue, described cost-cutting ideas in design. This article focuses on bridge decks: expansion joints,...
Difficult Dam Problems - - Cofferdam Failure
Uniontown Locks and Dam on the Ohio River was under construction when the cofferdam failed ten days after being dewatered during a rising river period. The configuration of the failure...
US Water Cleanup Program Speeds Up�But Still Much Red Tape
Since Congress enacted the Federal Pollution Control Amendments (P.L. 92-500) in 1972, little progress has been made in cleaning up the nation's waters. In fact, public dollars...
Discs Reduce Manhole Infiltration
The Department of Public Works for New Castle County, Del., conducted a study of infiltration at their over 30,000 sanitary sewer manholes. The study indicated that up to 60% of their...
Flow Equalization�Plus for Wastewater Treatment Plants
Flow equalization is important in maintaining optimum level performance in chemical water treatment plants. One way to do this is to build storage tanks upstream to regulate flow instead...
What's New in Water Treatment�
The Safe Drinking Water Act recently passed by Congress will have a definite impact on water treatment methods and especially on new standards and the monitoring thereof. Many have felt...
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