The Forgotten Engineer: John Stevens and the Panama Canal
John Frank Stevens was appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 to take over the flagging Panama Canal project when John Wallace quit. Stevens had been an outstanding railroad...

Pipeline Bridge Uses Timber Arches
An arch bridge is utilized for the purpose of providing a river crossing for a water supply pipe. Tidal influence, an unfavorable riverbed situation complicated by estuarial and other...

Carpools: How Successful�
For a number of years, the Federal Highway Administration has been encouraging increased carpooling as one of the ways to increase the people- moving efficiency of urban highways. The...

Washington, D.C. Mall Tunnel
The 4,002 ft (1220 m) cut and cover tunnel crossing the Mall just west of the U.S. Capitol created some unusual construction and design problems. Three areas warrant special mention. These...

Affirmative Action Toward Equal Opportunity
An employer does not satisfy his obligation to discriminate against minorities merely by hiring some of them. He must go further and see to it that those he hires are either qualified...

Russia Redistributes River Flow
Large interbasin water-transfers are underway with several more scheduled in the Soviet Union, changing the direction of natural river flow. The overall plan is to expand agricultural...

Interstate Highway System
Eventually to cost nearly $90 billion, the Interstate Highway System will connect all U.S. cities of 50,000 and larger, eventually carry 25% of all highway traffic. The article traces...

How Concerned Should Civil Engineers be with Fire Protection�
During the last five years, there has been increasing concern and interest in fire safety in buildings, especially tall buildings. This has resulted in new federal legislation, a new General...

Frost Heaves�� A Major Dilemma for Ice Arenas
The ice sheets of three arenas in Minneapolis-St. Paul have had frost heaves ranging from seven to eleven inches (0.2 to 0.3 m). Proper design should prevent frost from penetrating the...

Designing for the Disadvantaged: Optimum Design Considers All Users
Design practices in recent engineering projects show that consideration for the full human utility of building and transportation systems is receiving increasing attention. Previously,...

Improved Design of Highway Culvert
New culvert design procedures, incorporating improved inlet concepts, make significant construction savings possible through hydrauically efficient use of the culvert barrel. Two representative...

The Professional Engineer Half a Century Hence
What will the world of the engineer look like a half century hence? Planet Earth will still be alive, though twice as crowded as Most of the world's people will be very poor...

Runway Rebuilding with Daily Use
At Ontario the main runway was rebuilt and 4-inch bituminous overlay put down at night while the runway was in daily use. Existing pavement was portland cement concrete with bituminous...

A Home-Study Program on Civil Engineering Management
Civil Engineering Management is both an art and a science. A knowledge of the technology of civil engineering management will help the young engineer up the management ladder. This article...

British New Towns and the Civil Engineer
Since World War II Britain has built or is building several dozen New Towns. The first, designed to absorb London's growth, pioneered with breakthroughs in housing layouts...

Environmentally Sensitive Construction Procedures
Construction procedures produce disruptive effects on human and natural environments. Adverse impacts can be minimized best by environmentally sensitive planning and responsive designs....

Learn From Biographies of Early Engineers
The aim of education is to discover, develop and finally, to apply the student's latent abilities. To accomplish these things, the student first needs to try his hand and...

How the Soviets Build on Permafrost
A report is given on the Second International Conference on Permafrost, held in Siberia in the USSR, July, 1973. The conference covered: thermal aspect of permafrost evolution; regional...

Germany Constructs Steel Box Girder Landmark
The designer of a steel hollow box girder bridge in West Germany describes the design process and gives some construction details. Longest possible spans were sought because of environmental...

History of ASCE and Civil Engineering
In October 1974, ASCE published William H. Wisely's book, The American Civil Engineer, 1852-1974, the History, Traditions and Development of ASCE. Some highlights of the book...





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