Foundation Soil Preload Saves $164,000
Soils in the lower Mississippi valley are highly compressible and present a challenge to structural foundation designers. Rather than support power plant structures on piles, one design...

EPA Proposes Far-Reaching Regulations for Reducing Synthetic Organics in Drinking Water
In late January, 1978, EPA proposed far-reaching regulations for reducing synthetic organic chemicals in drinking water, bringing about the most sweeping changes in the water-treatment...

Mammoth Construction Jobs: How to Speed Them, Cut Costs�
Not a few massive construction projects in such fields as mass transit, water resources, and power plants are suffering greatly from inflated costs and long delays. Among reasons are the...

The Story Behind the New Clean Water Act of 1977
The Clean Water Act of 1977 keeps intact the basic principles of the strong Water Pollution Control Act (PL 92-500) of 1972. Because of the shear magnitude of upgrading the nation's...

Rouen, France Water Treatment Plant Using Biological Activated Carbon
The la Chapelle drinking water treatment plant in Rouen, France was designed specifically to incorporate biological activated carbon (BAC). With many U.S. cities faced with the prospect...

Sludge Pyrolysis: How Big a Future�
Pyrolysis is the destructive distillation of combustible elements by heat in the total absence of oxygen. Partial pyrolysis or starved air combustion is the gasification of a material...

Coastal Controversies Abound at Record-Breaking Conclave
Coastal Zone '78 was the largest specialty conference ever held by the ASCE, drawing over 1,000 participants from a wide spectrum of professions that are involved in coastal...

Trans Alaska Pipeline
This is one of the most extraordinary projects contending for the OCEA awards. Examples: the 360 mile haul road built in one summer; the 29 construction camps, self-contained cities to...

Mill Expansion Increases Production by 50% and Drops Water Use by 90%
Armco's Kansas City steel works expansion is nominated for 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award. Extensive provisions for air and water pollution control is...

Land Treatment: An Alternative Technology for Wastewater Management
The 1977 Clean Water Act provides some strong incentives for increasing the use of less costly, less energy intensive technology for municipal wastewater treatment facilities. Specifically,...

Water Industry Fighting EPA's Drinking Water Regulations
With few exceptions, most of the nation's drinking-water utilities are strongly opposed to many provisions of EPA's proposed regulations for reducing the levels...

Chicago Sanitary District Pioneers in Controlling Flooding, Water Pollution
Chicago's Metropolitan Sanitary District is a national leader in at least four areas: (1)Controlling overflows of combined sewers. Chicago's answer to this problem...

Direct Filtration�� Past, Present, Future
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 for the first time established national drinking water standards on turbidity and other drinking water characteristics. Up until that time, the accepted...

Sanitary Sewers for Developing Countries
To combat disease, we try to ensure water supply purity. Water is only one of many methods of disease transmission, however, and its purity does not alone eliminate the spread of disease....

Treating Waste Streams: New Challenge to the Water-Treatment Industry
Increasingly, state and federal water pollution control agencies have been becoming more strict about pollution from drinking water treatment plants. Specifically, most water treatment...

Cofferdams�Economical Flood Protection
Houston Lighting and Power Co. Sam Bertron Generating Station, located on the Houston Ship Channel, had suffered a drop in elevation of 7.5 ft since its construction in 1954. At such a...

Florida Sewage Plant First to Remove Nutrients with Bacteria Alone�� No Need for Costly Chemicals
Palmetto, Florida is now constructing the first advanced wastewater treatment plant in the U.S. to use the Bardenpho process. Unlike other AWT processes, this ingenious plant removes pohosphorus...

Energy Facilities Going Underground
Environmental pressures, combined with continuing development of hard-rock excavation techniques, have turned attention to the placement of major engineering facilities underground. Primary...

Proceedings Volume I
Polyphase Flow Transients Pressure Recovery Devices Intake Structures Cooling Water Systems
The papers presented in these proceedings represent a variety of disciplines from many countries. This unique jointing of three major societies has created a collection of papers with...

Soil Improvement
History, Capabilities, and Outlook
This report is intended to help engineers meet the need for practical, efficient, economical, and environmentally acceptable means for improving unsuitable soils and sites, for expanded...





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