Mean Areal Precipitation Estimation Using Radar
The accuracy of mean areal total storm precipitation (MAP) over small urban basins (30-100 km2) in the Denver, CO metro region was examined using...

Water Resources Management Using a Geographic Information System over a Wide Area Network
To assist in the management of water resources in the Santa Ana River Basin, in Southern California, the Bureau of Reclamation in Denver, Colorado and the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority...

Artificial Neural Networks as Unit Hydrograph Applications
A simple artificial neural network is shown to have the same structure as the application of a unit hydrograph. An artificial neural network representing such an application was constructed,...

Real-Time Forecast and Its Use for Bradley Lake Project
A forecast model was developed to assist the project operator to make a realistic prediction of lake inflow and to optimize the water usage in Bradley Lake which has an active storage...

Reservoir Regulation and Real-Time Models for Trinity River Flood Prevention and Control
After unprecedented flooding from the Spring of 1989 through 1991 in the Trinity River basin, the Texas legislature allocated funds for flood related studies in Senate Bill 1543 (1991)....

Streamflow Forecasting for the Bradley Lake Project
The National Weather Service (NWS) uses a suite of software called NWS River Forecast System (NWSRFS) for operational river stage and streamflow forecasting. NWSRFS is a modular system...

Protection of a 700-GPM Municipal Well Field with a 10-GPM Barrier Well: An Update After 8 Years of Remediation
In December 1978, a municipal well field developed by the Town of Acton, Massachusetts was shut down because of contamination by 1,1-dichloroethylene. Chemicals and process wash water...

Ecological Concerns of Regional vs. On-site Facilities
New federal stormwater regulations are ushering in a second generation of stormwater BMP's. Traditionally designed to achieve quantity control, BMP's are now being evaluated for their...

Watershed-Wide Stormwater Management Planning Issues
Pennsylvania counties are responsible for basinwide stormwater management planning under the Stormwater Management Act of 1978. The predominant engineering technique employed within these...

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Planning
Prince William County, Virginia and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region III, are implementing an interagency, interdisciplinary stormwater management demonstration project....

WSR-88D Precipitation Processing and Its Use in National Weather Service Hydrologic Forecasting
The National Weather Service (NWS), along with the Department of Defense and Transportation, have begun deployment of a new national network of weather radars referred to as the WSR-88D....

Snow Estimation?A GIS Application for Water Resources Forecasting
In the Western United States approximately 75 percent of the annual runoff results from snowmelt. Observations of the snow cover provide an important source of information for forecasting...

Simulation of Changes in Storm-Runoff Characteristics, Perris Valley, California
The population of Perris Valley, California, has increased from about 20,000 in 1970 to more than 130,000 in 1992. Increased urbanization in Perris Valley since 1970 has produced appreciable...

Impact of Urbanization on Storm Runoff
The engineering design of hydraulic structures is directly associated with the estimation of design parameters connected with extreme events. Methods of estimating extreme events typically...

Next Generation HEC Catchment Modeling
The Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) is developing next generation computer models to replace those in current use. The next generation Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) is an object...

Model Structure Validation in Groundwater Modeling
Structure equivalence models (SEM), a new concept in groundwater modeling, have been developed to assist in groundwater planning and management. Using SEM, the engineer is able to satisfy...

Field-Scale Research at the TVA Columbus Groundwater Research Test Site
TVA has been conducting large-scale field experiments at their Columbus Groundwater Research test site at Columbus Air Force Base since 1983. This work has been performed in cooperation...

Sacramento Drainage Manual?Hydrologic Procedures
For a period of over two years, HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) and HYDMET have been working with the City and County of Sacramento to develop a Drainage Manual. This Manual contains seven...

Sacramento Hydrologic Procedures Interim Adoption
In November 1989, the County and City of Sacramento jointly undertook the development of a manual for the design of drainage and flood control facilities in the region. Significant technical...

Design Flow Estimates for Catchments in El Dorado County, CA
A hydrologic model consisting of a rainfall-runoff model and a set of design storms is proposed for design flow calculation in El Dorado County, California. The rainfall-runoff model will...





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