Stress Ribbon Bridge in Freiburg, Germany
A three span continuous stress ribbon bridge of 75, 130, and 138 ft, was built in downtown Freiburg, W. Germany, for pedestrian traffic. Structural analysis is similar to that of suspension...

Olympic Construction for Olympic Games
Montreal is preparing at full speed for the Olympic Games. The precast, post-tensioned concrete velodrome will seat 10,000. It will be available for conventions, public meetings, exhibits,...

Structural Failures and How to Prevent Them
Reducing failures of buildings and other structures requires compentent design; clear communication of that design to the contractor by means of engineering drawings, etc.; careful and...

Experts Critique the Olympic Structures of Montreal
At a panel discussion held recently in Montreal, a number of prominent architects and engineers critiqued the Montreal Olympic structures. Unlike some previous press reports, the blame...

Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities
Draft Trial Use and Comment
This Manual of Engineering Practice in Structural Analysis and Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities is a project of the Nuclear Structures and...

Designing More Reliable Waste Treatment Plants
In the past, many municipal waste treatment plants have not operated reliably. A 1969 Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Study, for instance, showed that 25% of 1500 plants...

Civil Engineering History Gives Valuable Lessons
Many students, and others, feel the study of engineering history is a frill. Not so, this article suggests. A study of the past can give an engineer better ideas on how to solve a new...

Difficult Dam Problems - - Cofferdam Failure
Uniontown Locks and Dam on the Ohio River was under construction when the cofferdam failed ten days after being dewatered during a rising river period. The configuration of the failure...

Bailey's Crossroads: A/E Liability Test
In March 1973, a 24-story reinforced concrete building under construction at Bailey's Crossroads, Va., partially collapsed causing a total collapse of an adjoining parking...

The Darwin Cyclone�� Valuable Lesson in Structural Design
Eighty percent of Darwin, Australia's residential buildings were severly damaged in the wake of cyclone Tracy in the early hours of December 25, 1974. Overall damage was caused...

Design and Construction of Steel Chimney Liners
This is believed to be the first book to be compiled and published on this subject, even though the steel liner is now the most widely used in fossil-fueled electric generating stations...

A Comparative Study of Structural Response to Explosion-Induced Ground Motions
The report provides detailed information about the responses of actual structures to loads, both static and dynamics, which can be expected to occur during their service life. The characteristics...

Lessons from Dam Incidents, USA
This report is primarily concerned with failures, accidents, damage during construction, and major repairs relating to dams in the USA. The purpose of this report is to present available...

Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities 1973
Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Structural Design of Nuclear Facilities, held in Chicago, Illinois, December 17-18, 1973. Sponsored by the Nuclear Structures and Materials Committee...

Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers
The purpose of this report, Guide for Design of Steel Transmission Towers, is to provide a basis for the structural design of self-supporting...

Placement and Improvement of Soil to Support Structures
Proceedings of the conference held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, August 26-28, 1968. Sponsored by the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers....

Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects
This manual, Design of Structures to Resist Nuclear Weapons Effects, was written for the use of the engineering profession in the design of...

Pile Foundations and Pile Structures
This manual, Pile Foundations and Pile Structures, is an assembly of data relating to pile foundations and pile structures which is intended...





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